Never knew you were a Rex fan, Katiebee. Were you a Comey fan as well? Pompeo and our President seem more on the same page, and Mike will do well as Secretary of State. Plus, first woman Director of Central Intelligence, and a demonstrated patriot to boot.
Was a busy morning. Rex Tillerson received his orders, including a call from the President from Air Force One, as the President was flying to California.
Rex will be out before April Fools day, if I understood his farewell address today. He did some good work, and was too much a globalist, too much an establishment guy, to take the actions needed, and finish the necessary work now under way, on many urgent matters.
No one should doubt this President will get what he seeks. The State Department employees should take note, stop the internal games, or see similar action. Promises kept.
Former Sec. Rex Tillerson made his own positions clear to the President, and was not surprised he was being replaced with the willing, loyal, high energy Secretary Mike Pompeo.
Trump fired Tillerson as Sec’y of State.
What a complete, an unmitigated incompetent he is, to do that for no decernable good reason.
I am interested in hearing what conservatives think about their hero’s action.
He was called after the tweet. And firing your Secty
of State by phone is still a cowards way. He is being replaced by a Yes man.
God forbid one should offer dissenting views to ones superior. The narcissist demands yes men to kiss his ass daily. Remember the televised cabinet meeeting where they had to go around the room and all say how great it was working for Trump?
Staff are required to give full measure of consultation with their superior. That includes saying his plans have problems. Doing otherwise is not doing the job.
But you support Kim-Trump-un., our Glorious Leader.
Why do you hate America, Joan?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2018, 12:29:14 AM by Katiebee »
There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.