Actually, while you may dislike some of President Elect Trump's statements, you actually KNOW very very little about any illegal comments or activities of the President Elect... and less about any illegal statements of actions of the President during his transition, or after his Inauguration.
Look perhaps as some things you may or should know, such as SCOTUS who voted overwhelmingly to allow the exclusion of people from migrating here, if they come from certain Terror Prone nations. We of course knew this would pass then the 4th Circuit and 9th Circuit showed their overt bias, and they have been overruled, as to stopping such actions, even as the case proceeds.
Look at the restoration of Land in Utah, which was taken unlawfully by the Obama Administration. More to follow along those lines of sensible actions from this Administration.
The clamor about what charges may or could or should or might be brought against our President by SC is coming from leaks and speculation by Democrat activists and legislators, without grounds, especially the most recent claims.
The President is the top law enforcement official in the nation, and his opinions are allowed, sought or not sought, private or public.