So far as Charlottesville, and Trump's statement(s), his statement is/was accurate, referring to violence and those who came equipped for violence, the Antifa and their ilk, and Nazi/KKK types alike.
Without Anifa, there was no violence during the event, no rioting at all. One individual, for whatever reason, decided to mow down people blocking an intersection/street with his car, AFTER the event was shut down. That violence is on that individual, who has been caught, charged, and is awaiting his fate in a trial.
What the President spoke of was the fact that both/all sides promoted an atmosphere of violence, and he was exactly correct in that regard. That the statement from the White House was not the usual politically correct one, is the reality of 2017, and sometimes 'the truth' is worth hearing.
The media reported what they wanted to hear, as if there were no Antifa at all, as if the President was addressing the incident with the auto and the death of a person by auto, at the hand of one individual, or whatever political persuasion.
The fact that controversial people requested a permit and were granted that permit, to peacefully demonstrate, and that their peaceful demonstration was denied them due to leftist antisocial thugs was not fully reported, even to this day. Disruption of a peaceful demonstration was lauded by leftists, politicians, press, all of them.
Stories were run on broadcast and in print that 'assumed' a lot of violence, with no reason for such assumptions. One Synogogue group, reported on as 'fleeing for their lives', when someone said armed men were on a street corner nearby. It is legal in Virginia for people to be armed, to carry weapons in plain view, and not uncommon for people to carry firearms as a form of demonstration, having nothing to do with threats to the folks on a synogogue.
Assumptions, presumptions, and full fanning of flames by Terry McAwful, with his representative observing from a sixth floor vantage point that the park and the crowd looked like a hockey game... after police blocked the entrance street where the permitted group was supposed to arrive, behind police lines, and the group of protestors was directed into a mob of thug leftist agitators.
The President was commenting about the thug agitators of the left, and the supposed "alt-right" who got a permit to be there, when he referred to both sides. He is correct, and 'never had a chance', unless he read from an Obama type script, and ignored the truth about the agitators.