Two to one against, and still dropping. Call me cynical, but I don't think things are going to improve as the news about Trump's highly touted tax reform -- which is just another deficit busting tax cut for the wealthy -- gets more airtime.
Trump may not care about reelection, but most of Congress still wants to return after the mid-terms, and yet another gimme tax break for the 1% isn't going to play well back home.
This massively unpopular president simply doesn't have the political clout to get tax reform through a highly divided Congress. I say no deal will happen.
Poll Shows Trump Dipping to 32 Percent ApprovalAn Associated Press–NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll released on Friday found that President Trump has a 32 percent approval rating, with 67 percent of respondents disapproving of the job he’s doing as president. And it reported that only 67 percent of Republicans approve of his performance, down significantly from 80 percent in the same poll in March.
It’s just one poll, and given its diversion from other relatively more Trump-friendly numbers, it may very well be an outlier. But a slide in Republican approval could spell big trouble for Trump, who has maintained popularity among his GOP base even as he alienates most of the rest of the country. Other polls have shown Republican approval in the high 80s, with a massive gap between Democratic and Republican approval that reflects our highly partisan times.
The poll found that 42 percent approved of Trump’s performance in March, and 35 percent in June. Though lower than many findings, the downward trend is consistent with other polls in showing a slide from the beginning of Trump’s presidency to subsequent months, which have been defined by persistent chaos, divisive rhetoric, and legislative inaction.
Trump’s approval rating has stuck to a fairly narrow range throughout most of his presidency — from the mid-40s at the outset to the high-30s now – with very high approval ratings from Republicans keeping his low numbers from falling into last–year–of–George W. Bush’s–presidency territory.
538 has his current average approval rating at 38.2 percent, while Gallup shows it at 39 percent.
He is by far the least popular president at this point in a first term since modern polling began.
In the AP-Norc poll, just 19 percent of people say that Trump “understands the needs and problems of people like them extremely or very well,” 17 percent moderately well, and 64 percent not very well or not at all. Respondents gave Congress an even lower mark than Trump, at 18 percent approval, and only 24 percent of people said the country was going in the right direction, down from 34 percent in June.
The poll was conducted from September 28 to October 2, and included online and telephone interviews. It has a margin of error of 4.1 percent.