Senator Ward will be a breath of fresh air for the Senate, for all of us, and especially a great addition for Arizona. Mr. Flake has made his bed, and now must lie in it. Leftist RINO Republicans have no honor to defend, and Flake's performance to date has been dreadful.
Only Lois' vote can save him. He wrote his book for you, dear...
May Mr. Ryan meet a similar fate, which I did not think I would ever say, but Mr. Ryan has distanced himself from our President, so many times, and so far, that it is about time for him to meet the fate of others who play that game.
Mr. Trump's agenda varies some from what Ryan and McConnell have run on for the past 8 years, but not so far as Repeal of Obamacare, and cutting Taxes at all, not at all. These two weasels need to be displaced.
Get Ryan out of the leadership, and same with McConnell, and leave them to pickup their lobbyist checks as a ordinary Congress Member, let someone else lead. Democrats don't count as to my desires for leadership, of course, and even Paul Ryan and even Mitch McConnell are better than Schummer/Pelosi.
Flake must go, a just reward for his general incompetence, his globalist bent.
The voters decided they did not want a Jeb Bush... or anything of his ilk, last election, and they did not agree to any of the cookie cutter 18 lookalikes running in Republican Primaries (I am including Mr. Gilmore in my count, lol.), and Republicans in the Party, House and Senate have not recognized that as reality, and will not unless we displace RINOs wherever we find them, with a more appropriate Republican elected official in our House and Senate.