Bengazi is the location of Hillary and President Obama's gun running center, from Libya stockpiles to the militias fighting against Assad in Syria... that one?
The one where no one can say where the President was at all, as decisions were made to leave our people to die fighting our enemies? That one?
The one where Hillary says, "at this point, what difference does it make"? That one... the one that cost her the election in 2016... at least formed the basis for lack of truth telling, that helped the majority of America dislike her more than Donald Trump, when it came to being trustworthy? That one...
Yes, I remember Bengazi... and our civilian CIA/DIA men, killed by Libyan muslim crazies... yep... where Biden told the dad of one hero, your son sure has a big pair of balls... and Hillary told families of the fallen that it was some guy in California who made a movie, that to this day no one has seen or heard of...
Yes, I remember Bengazi... another 'non scandal' of the Obama administration.