From an anthropological viewpoint the overall message is consistent.
1. Deal with others of your society in a consistent and fair manner.
Are you joking?
Is that what it's called when you bludgeon someone to death for giving a bro-job?
Is that what it's called when you turn a woman into salt just for not following orders?
Is that what it's called when you DROWN millions or even billions of people because you don't like them?
And of course, you planned the whole thing! Those you killed were doing EXACTLY what you knew they would do!
Not to mention Job.
And for the record, I don't need a book about misquoting Jesus - I didn't quote Jesus at all - why? Because Jesus was a pretty damn cool guy. The sermon on the mount was a true miracle. Why don't I like the New Testament? Paul.
God is a sociopath according to the old Testament. Not only that, he is the ultimate egomaniac: he literally punishes those who fail to worship him enough by sending them to an eternity in hell. Even in the New Testament, god is a complete and total fucking cocksucker - read your own book, and stop chopping out massive parts of the book to excuse some of the most awful, despicable behavior ever described.