Well "they" made a stab at raising me Roman Catholic. By age 12 i decided i really didn't want most parts of that. Not due to the faith but the hypocrites. Guess every religion got some of that lurking around, huh? I'm agnostic. My personality is neither follower nor leader in most anything. HOWEVER....if you really want to see some pretty firm evidence of a higher being, go spend some serious time in Yosemite National Forest. Lost count how many times I've visited. Always tried to bring a friend along that never experienced it. I have not one memory of anyone i took there not experiencing what was clearly a religious or enlightening time. For those that have been there, you know. Yes nature & geology created it, but theres really ALOT there all crammed together and its a BIG park. The chances that all just randomly came together in one place are rather slim. Ive never seen the entire place & been there at every opportunity i had to go. Just don't do stupid stuff like leaving any type of food in your car at all. You'll just hate what the bears leave as your ex car getting into it. They will get in, make no mistake.