No... Bigger question... Why did we invent gods, using such horrible science?
God holds the patent for "Pearly gates"... (Invented after gates, by sheep-herders, who are the only people who invented and used gates.)
God (Not his name... no-one knows his name... "Do not use the lords name in vein"... Can't, never told it to us!)
"Word of God" is "The words from Ghaud" a town, where they were babbling about living as slaves...
"Eternal servitude", Serve him here all your life, and you MAY be able to serve him up there too... (Servitude = slavery. Serve him here... ok... Why up there? Everyone in heaven believes in god... Oh, you will be oiling and painting that pearly gate white all your life, forever, surrounded by priests and nuns, and NO-ONE who went to hell.. All your friends who didn't serve him down here.)
Light before the sun... Impossible, bad science... The horrible story writer should have taken a science class and studied sheep less...
"Virgin mary"... Sheep-herders artificially inseminate sheep... I am sure they could do it to a woman... No trick there...
Jesus isn't human... No human can perform miracles...
Knowing he is gods son, and can't "Die", is not a sacrifice...
Turning into a zombie, "Raised from the dead", and only the 12 people who invented you, who swear you were the one, saw you... That's called keeping the lie alive...
We are all descendants of incest... Adam and Eve... Then after god killed everyone, Noah and his wife and kids... (Amazingly, everyone of them knew god, yet created new gods... and races... without evolution.)
Angels existed before god, and are more powerful than god... He can't get rid of them... Including satan... or he can, but thought it would be more entertaining to leave him here on this earth, then later add us...
Genetically, everyone is a female, until nature turns some of us into males... So that argument and poor science is proof enough that it's all a lie. (Evolutionary wise, men were the last thing created, when nature separated things into "sexes". Prior to that, and still, only females have the ability to reproduce. Odd fact... An egg can be used to fertilize another egg, a sperm can never fertilize another sperm... and we wouldn't have any way to carry it to any term... More proof that "Woman came first".)
Stars and the sun are the same thing...
"Heavens" (Galaxies), are just a bunch of stars... More bad science... "Light, then Heavens, then the Sun, then the earth... No other planets"... All horrible science, but that is "What god told us he did".. He wouldn't lie... Apparently god doesn't know how reality works... No surprise there!
10,000,000 believers... in "a god", just not yours... Yet they always say... "We have millions of followers"... no... 0.01% follows your god, the other 99.99% follow some other god that directly conflicts with yours... Of all those, they truly only honestly believe in their own personal variation of any proposed god... not any actual proposed gods.
Ask 10,000,000 believers what "god is", you get 30,000,000 excuses and no actual answers.
It's called a "Belief" because if it were real, it would be called "Facts"... All beliefs are just that... "beliefs", in things that are not "Real", not "Unknown"... Obviously, the bibles tell you what is known... "Nothing".
Turn water into wine! (Yea, get them drunk, they'll never believe you otherwise... Good, dehydrate them!)
Fill barrels full of fish! (WTF does that have to do with anything? You poison them with mercury, oh, to make them retarded! Which is what mercury does if you consume it.)
Healed the blind! (Yea, cured their runny nose... Anyone can pretend to be blind, cheap parlor tricks.)
Healed the Lepers! (No, they all died... Those walking around "healed" never had it.)
God killed more innocent "children of his" than satan... God, killed over a million... satan.. 3
God killed innocent first-born kids because their parents didn't believe... Hey kids, lets follow god... and hope he doesn't kill you too, for spite...
If there truly was a god, and only one... we would all, "know", not need to be told, by man... (But he is an invention of man, thus, the need to be told.)
If our possessions are of no importance, than why a commandment to protect our worthless possessions? (Shall not covet thy neighbors things... Coveting is how they got them, they didn't materialize this shit from thin air... They took it... You said this planet is ours, so it isn't coveting if I take it from him, it's mine too... "Another catch-22 of poor writing".)
Bibles were to control the poor, diseased, dirty and stupid slaves... to keep them from wanting the "Kings" (King James, in particular), wife, property, food, and yet still breed and live long enough to pay taxes and "not desire money"... or any other gods, who offered rewards...
No-one (few) wanted to follow a god who didn't let you into heaven... That is why they had to invent "Jesus"... Because before then, god was "Vengeful"... They had to make him more marketable, but still unobtainable, making him "Merciful"... But it is still unobtainable...
Gives you "Free will", but the only way to get into heaven is to not use it... "Follow my rules" = "Not free will", if you are following you are not free-willed, you are just another slave, following your master.
You claim all goodness is "your doing", but blame all bad things on satan... Can't do that.. the bible says YOU are doing nothing good, that is god, and all bad you do is you, not satan... then it says it is satan... if it is satan, then YOU are never doing anything bad, and it isn't free-will... Another catch-22... Oh, that you did... we changed our mind again... (Where are our editors! Oh yea, they died after they re-wrote all bibles to your twisted insecurities, writing about times that no longer existed by the time they were written, in a time that no longer exists for us, and never actually existed at all.)
To add insult to injury... They take your "money", which is "taxed", which taxes pay for war, which makes them and you "paying hitmen" to kill... in wars... Killing people without "due process", "Judging them without rights", and everyone is happy, because they "got a golden ticket to an imaginary place"...
Instead of just being happy with what you have here, and being good because you want to be good, not because you were promised some holy lands... (Which makes following any religion actually a sin in of itself, as it is for selfish personal obtainment, which they all tell you NOT to want... The final poor writing catch-22. I could write a better bible at 12, in my sleep, and it would actually be followed, honestly followed, because it could actually be followed. None of the existing bibles can be followed, like many laws.)
Which came first, the chicken or the egg... (Neither, and it wasn't the rooster, it was nothing... Nothing came first, then something came second. Logic, howz it work?)