I guess I don't feel like I know enough to say Yes or No to this question. I was raised Southern Baptist, but I have a problem with blind faith. I guess I think if there IS a God, you should be able to question and examine the stories that are presented to you as truths. I've read a lot of the Bible, but I've always had this fantasy of people thousands of years from now finding a book of ours and it becoming like the "new" Bible. Aesop's Fables, maybe, or 1984. If most of us were wiped out, and only a few artifacts remained, what would the generations that followed believe? Word-of-mouth stories about how things used to be are no match, over the years, of something that people can hold or see. So if I'm left wondering about the origin of the world, and I really need a concrete answer, then of course this book that thousands of other people believe is true, could be a comforting answer- to someone who isn't willing to ponder the fact that "God" is only one possible theory out of millions. A lot of people hear something that makes sense, and they stop learning or wondering. If it's the truth, you should be able to question it, test it, and any new evidence that could emerge shouldn't dispute it, but verify it.
I'm not a scientist or a genius, but I know I can't wrap my mind around the concept that mankind has discovered all there is about the world and what's around it. I don't know what's out there, but I think everyone has the right to their own beliefs, and I couldn't ridicule someone or put them down either way.