Too "judge" is of semantics. I agree, we all make a judgement about God, but sit as a "Judge" is what I mean by we can't judge God. Was the poster truly "Judging" God, I can't really know.
As I think a bit more, I see the concern for the evil, and bad things that happen, and that people vent against God, whether they believe in God or not, to possibly be a good thing, in that is shows empathy and personal growth towards those who suffer. I think the next step in personal and spiritual growth is to take action.
There is a story concerning the Samaritan that points out what I mean by taking action.
A priest came down the road, saw the injured man, and passed by him on the other side. A Levite passing by did the same. A Samaritan, from a race hated by the Jews, saw the hurt man and had compassion on him. He poured oil and wine on his wounds, bound them up, then put the man on his donkey. The Samaritan took him to an inn and cared for him.
The next morning, the Samaritan gave two denarii to the innkeeper for the man's care and promised to repay him on his way back for any other expenses. Jesus asked the lawyer which of the three men had been a neighbor. The lawyer answered that the man who showed mercy was a neighbor.
Then Jesus told him, "You go and do likewise."