Yeah, it is definitely because she is a woman. Good call. You are one of that crazy people that think any criticism towards a woman is sexist and any criticism towards a minority is racist, arnt you? Sad.
Not sad at all, but a fucking fair question.
Why didn't you ask:
1. Do you actually like any politician?
2. Does anyone think Hillary will do a good job?
Well Lois, you should like your candidate. You should like what they believe. You should like what they stand for. You should like the character that they demonstrate.... no wonder you can't admit to liking Hillary. You seem to think that I am talking about being friends... liking a candidate isn't the same as being friends.
So now you are trying to turn your question into a completely different question? Does this qualify as a straw man argument? LOL! You, Taxman, are a total douche.
However, these new questions I can certainly try to answer:
1. Do you like what Hillary believes in? Do you like what Hillary stands for? (merged because they are really the same question)
So I compiled a list of some fairly vague positions:
1. Education: Against No Child Left Behind. Position unknown on Common Core.I agree, this one-size-fits all solution to underachieving schools fails to address the real problems students are facing. Furthermore, it encourages teacher's to "teach the test" and not develop real world skills that a student may need, and stifles creativity.
Immigration: President should waive deportation for some immigrants. Give undocumented residents a path to legal status.I can certainly agree with this.
Marijuana: “Wait and see” on overall legalization.I would go further, I would like to see all drugs legalized.
NSA: More transparency. Find the balance between security, privacy.Sounds good? Sure does. But balance is very subjective. Even so, Democrats have always had a better record on privacy issues than Republicans.
Obamacare: Keep it. Strengthen it. Tout it.Obamacare is not perfect, but it is far better than what we had previously. It could be made better by providing a public option. And better yet, it should be the only option for everyone. Then if people want more, they can buy private plans as well.
Social Issues: Abortion should be legal. So should same-sex marriage.I agree! Freedom of choice is very important.
Taxes: Consider closing loopholes and cutting middle class taxes.I would agree with this if we also raised taxes on the rich. We really do need to raise taxes to pay our way.
Israel: Work toward a two-state solution.A two state solution is the only solution. Currently the Arabs in the occupied territories out-number the Israelis. If they are absorbed into a single state then Israel would cease being a Jewish state. And keeping the status quo is also unacceptable. Apartheid should never be acceptable.
Iran: Support framework for nuclear deal. Continue diplomacy efforts and some sanctions.I agree 100%
Islamic State: No boots on the ground. Use regional troops.This probably IS the best way to go about it. Anytime we've sent in the military we've made things worse.
2. Do you like the character that Hillary demonstrates?I like that Hillary did not flip out over the Monica Lewinsky thing. An insanely jealous person could not have handled that. I'm polyamorous and I suspect that Hillary is too.
I like that Hillary is not full of religious righteousness bullshit. Her beliefs are her own and she does not try to impose them on others.
I admire that the Clintons have put substantial resources into the Clinton foundation in order to help others and solve problems that impact everyone.
So do I like Hillary as a candidate? Yes. She is not perfect, but I believe she would do a good job.