It's her money to spend.
And that entire commentary is spin. A recount is not necessarily contesting the result. In this case two states Michigan, Wisconsin were all extremely close.
In order to change the electorial count significantly, Michigan and Florida would have to go to Clinton. Michigan had a spread of 11,000 votes, which could be made up in a recount if things when for Clinton. In Wisonsin the spread is 27,000, a much greater hurdle.
In Florida, which was pivotal to Clinton, the spread was 120,000. Clinton would have to make up 43 electorial votes, which Michigan and Wisconsin would not do. she would need a state like Florida to do that.
All it is going to do is erode Trump's bogus claim of a landslide victory. He didn't get a majority of popular votes, and 306 electorial votes does not equal a landslide.
He got a contested election, not a mandate.
After Trump made a scene about how the vote was rigged, and still won, he should shut the fuck up and let the recount go uncontested.
Trump won in the Electorial college with 56.8% of the vote.
Now your math may be different, if your values of 2 are sufficiently large, but 56.8% is just over a majority. A landslide would be in the range of 70%, or 377 electorial votes. He only got 306.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2016, 04:57:23 AM by Katiebee »
There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.