Democracy, even such a democracy as we have, is inherently fragile. To me, it appears that the country has slid into an oligarchy of the wealthy that retains the form of a constitutional republic, much as Rome maintained a powerless senate long after it had an emperor. But that is hardly the worst thing, as the lessons of Weimar Germany and the death of other democracies would demonstrate.
Yet while I am concerned with the aspects of oligarchy that has encroached into our democratic republic, I still have hope that that there are idealists in our government, and voters, that seek to correct the problem. I do not believe all politicians are bad, and there are still faithful public servants who care about America and its people in their ranks.
There are those who think that because of American exceptionalism we are exempt from the fate of other democracies in history. We believe in our Constitution as if it were gospel, and yet when the very form of government founded by the Constitution is viewed with hostility and distrust, the Constitution itself is under attack.
Those who cheer thinking Trump will destroy the GOP are in some ways the same as Trump voters who proclaim the reason they support him is that he will "shake things up." Be careful what you wish for. "Shaking up" a political system where the people have lost faith their form of government is a risky proposition, and more things can go wrong than might come out right.