Gee, the crowd booed the Invocation, when they mentioned Hillary's name.
I guess no one here is watching or listening to Democrats Convention, Phila, PA today, or there would be more comments here... maybe KB'ers are wading thru the salacious emails released in the first batch by WIKI Leaks, showing how Dems collude with the media, and try time after time to get Bernie Sanders out of their hair.
When Rep. Debbie Wassermann Schultz tried to speak to her own FL Delegation this morning, she was shouted down and booed by the entire Delegation.
Exit Stage Left DWS... or will she be back to close the Convention? Who cares.
Seems more are upset about the choice of a Vice Presidential contender than even about the dirty tricks and illegal behavior of the financial donor handling of the DNC and of course of the Hillary Campaign, who controlled all the strings, all the various bank accounts.
There is not a lot of NEW News here, if anyone has been paying attention, and watching the actions of this slippery bunch with anything of a skeptical view.
FEC rules were obviously broken, and it may not be swept under the rug so easy this time, when they double dip on big donors by supposedly 'sharing' the booty with the DNC and with the STATE parties. States were given NOTHING in many cases, and HILLARY Campaign got the bulk, and gets to decide who if anyone gets any of the loot.
Who cares what language Senator Kaine speaks, or when he left his Religion behind (learned Spanish fluency as a "missionary" in Central America). Seems more needs to be unearthed about that 'missionary work' eh? Wonder if the Post and Times will send the planeload of reporters they sent to look into Sarah Palin's life, to see whether drugs or weapons were involved with the CA point in his life... he is a leftist, but not left enough for many Democrats... but then Castro is not far enough left for many Democrats.
So much for a smooth start, so much for "Better Together" and Hillary says she has not been paying attention, has not seen the Wiki Leaks Emails, plays Shultz again, knowing nothing... She did hire DWS though, just to keep her from talking. Might be the first time anyone kept DWS from talking, now that I think about it. We shall see.
Bernie 'may' calm the waters with his speech tonight... or Dems could burn the place down... anyone's guess at this point, as Hillary and Kaine make themselves scarce on the first day of chaos in Philadelphia.
Good food in Philly... Delegates will be happy and sleep well tonight, anyway!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 07:38:34 PM by joan1984 »
Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.