Racism is founded on ignorance, xenophobia, class division and the myth of white superiority, plus the feeling that the white establishment will look the other way, as we have seen in countless cases over the years of lynch mobs committing their depredations in broad daylight with never a one of them being charged with wrong-doing. the same way men get away with rape, even when they are brought to so-called justice. (Unless it is a case of a white woman being raped and saying it was a black man that did it, and then the law will find a black man somewhere and make sure he is either lynched or executed or sent up the river for life.)
So it's not like racism is a minor problem. Unless you put it in perspective with a hundred or more other serious national problems, all of which are so much scrubbed out of the 'national conversation' (what a farcical concept) we get from the New York Times and the other prostitute entities of the major media who serve as sheepdogs to corral and control the general populace, who serve mainly as the crucial resource to be exploited by Wall Street and big money in general.
Don't lose sight of a crucial distinction between big money and real people. Big money is organized as corporate power. Corporations don't believe in sin in the religious sense, but they do uniformly agree that the equivalent of 'thou shalt not steal, kill, covet, bear false witness, etc. in the corporate world is 'thou shalt not omit to bear false witness if it will make more money for our corporate minor deity, so say whatever you have to say, but get the money from the little people and get it into the corporate treasury. If you have to poison the environment to get the money, that's no sin. If you have to cluster bomb and land-mine and napalm and agent orange and accidentally spread radioactive cesium around or any of that kind of thing, that's okay as long as you do it to get money from the little people and sock it away in our treasury, that's okay. If you have to bear false witness to the people of our great land to convince them to send their sons to Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq or wherever and feel good about it, that's wonderfully patriotic as well as very profitable for our corporation. If you have to get your quisling lawyers to write national legislation to tilt the justice system in favor of our corporation, then take that to Washington and pay politicians millions of paper dollars to get them to put their seal of approval on it, that's not wrong, that's good business, so just fucking do it.
This is the system that feels right to Hillary Clinton. That's why I don't like her.
Here are some proposals I would like to see added to the national conversation:
Bring George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their minions to trial before the International Criminal Court for war crimes.
Repeal the Patriot Act.
Reverse Citizens United.
Declare a debt jubilee every ten years.
Outlaw usury, limit interest on all debt to 3%.
Outlaw civil forfeiture.
Repeal the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which empowers the POTUS to declare anyone at all an enemy of the state, to be seized and held and dealt with at the government's discretion, without charges, without trial, same as Stalin did.
Forbid anyone who has ever worked directly or indirectly for big Ag, big banking, big pharma, big chemical, big energy, big defense from sitting in any direct or indirect regulatory capacity in federal, state or municipal government.
Restore the gold standard.
Print enough paper dollars (the worthless kind, not backed by gold) and ship bales of funny money to pay off all holders of the national debt. Thereafter, forbid all forms of federal, state and municipal borrowing. If they need money, let the citizens have power to approve or disapprove the budget, and let the project be funded by a uniform tax on all the citizenry, including the corporations.
Pardon all the petty offenders to make room in the prison system for all the bankers who have gotten away with grand theft.
Of course with anti-usury laws and the gold standard, that will mean the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act. Let them find honest jobs somewhere (not in government, though).
Bring back the Clayton Anti-trust act, and apply it to the big banks.
Tax every financial transaction at a rate of 1%. That will give the federal treasury all the money they need to insure pension funds and restore our national infrastructure.
I will stop there, but reserve the right to think of more ways to 'make America great again' without handing the job to Donald.