So why do people hate Hillary so much? Most people have never even met her. I remember the right wing hate machine went after her the moment Bill was elected. At first they made fun of her appearance "not feminine enough, and who does her hair?" Sexist comments, but she listened and got a makeover. Then she became a "Bitch", a term I've come to understand as meaning "any strong woman that terrifies the caveman conservatives that want women to stay subversive to men."
To be blunt, most attacks I've seen against Hillary are sexist in nature.
How many people know that Hillary started off as Republican? If political ambition was all she was about why in the world would she change her party affiliation to Democrat in ARKANSAS?
The truth is that Mrs. Clinton is still fairly conservative. She's also a "hawk" militarily, meaning she has not hesitated to advocate a military solution when further diplomacy might have been the best option. I suspect Hillary was an Eisenhower Republican, disillusioned by Nixon, as I suspect many Republicans were in her day. Furthermore, the Democratic Party is now far more conservative than it was in the days of Kennedy. So she sits politically, more in tune with Eisenhower than Reagan.
So just what are people afraid of? Many have heard stories about her temper--mostly as it has been directed (justly no doubt) at her errant husband. However, I've never heard of her throwing a temper tantrum in the Senate isles or anywhere else. It is also worth noting that all the many people who have worked for her over the years attest that she is a good boss. Demanding, yes, sometimes preoccupied (goes with the territory IMO), but fair and generous in her praise. She has expressed genuine concern about her colleagues and subordinates, and she has been unerringly polite and gracious in public.
Now contrast this with some of Hillary's past colleagues in the Senate and current competitors for the presidency. Front runners Cruz and Trump are positively famous for blowing their stacks, shaming and abusing their staff, and even occasionally ranting and raving. Cruz in particular is HATED by his colleagues in the Senate.
So what is the real fear?
Then are some that worry electing Mrs. Clinton to the Presidency will spread the disease of Clintonism. But what are the symptoms of this dread malady on the body politic? Low unemployment? High growth? Low inflation? Soaring productivity?
Too liberal? But too liberal compared with whom? Charles Schumer? Paul Wellstone? Brian Schatz? Chris Murphy? Elizabeth Warren? Bernie Sanders?
So what are the Hillary-bashers so scared of?