To put it as simply as possible, the concept of states rights, in a Constitutional sense, must always be examined with the concept and context of the Constitution. Though individual states pre-existed the Constitution, whatever sovereignty they may have had before the Constitution went into effect was eliminated by the Constitution, and sovereignty thenceforward lies in the federal government, and not the states.
Valid opinion, certainly, and that is one that many legal scholars take... but it is an opinion only and one that many legal scholars disagree with. The sovereignty of states is not referred to in the Constitution, you know that, and at the time that the Constitution was ratified, the vast majority of Americans considered the States to be far more important to them then the federal government. In fact, we were designed to be a federalist nation with the federal government having much less power then the state governments. That evolved over time, but that was not the design.
Here: rights have been reserved to the states, either by the Constitution, by subsequent court decisions, by legislation, or simply by tradition. Marriage laws, to use your example, are the best example.
You need to brush up on your Constitution wording, perhaps, but your understanding is flawed on this point. Here is the 10th:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"
The article is very clear, any power not delegate as a power of the US federal government is, instead, kept for the states and the people. Hard to get more clear then that.
I will be happy to discuss slavery's role in the Civil war in a different thread, as I stated, but I am concerned with some of your language. You have made a couple of statements now like suggesting that I don't understand the Constitution and now stating that my belief that "Slavery was certainly one of the major sources of tension, no question, and a part of the "states rights" argument, but it wasn't the defining issue." makes me a Neo-Confederate or at least groups me with them. I want you to think how you feel when people group homosexuality with pedophilia.... that is essentially what you are doing. We can discuss and disagree about a lot of things and the power of the States is certainly an issue that many disagree on without you feeling the need to demonize me. I have talked directly to you and I don't think that you mean your language to sound like that, but that is how I am taking it. If I am wrong, please let me know. If you think this is something we should talk about in PM's instead, please also let me know.
Can you explain how you believe that Article 5, referring to making amendments, invalidates strict Constitutionalism? Constitutionalists don't believe that the Constitution is an inviolate document that can never be changed, they believe that it can only be changed in certain ways. Article 5 explains how it can be changed and no where does it mention that the Courts can reinterpret the document to say things it doesn't or to not say things it does. We have changed the Constitution many times and we can certainly do so again... but only by legal means.
Katie, not only have I read all the articles, I have understood them. Do you think that they refer to state's rights? Edit: Ooops, feel free to discuss this in another thread if you like, I am going to refrain from talking about it in this thread. Too many understand too little of their history and it tends to be, 150 years later, a hot button issue.
Gemini, if you have something meaningful to offer, please do. I understood going into this that almost all people here are to the left of me, politically, and most are far to the left. I have no problem discussing my thoughts with people but I also have no desire to be personally attacked by anyone. Anyone is welcome to attack my opinions or statements, but that is all. I am happy to leave this board and let it be a liberal circle jerk if the community desires it, but I personally learn more by discussing things with those who disagree with me then by discussing them with those who agree with me. This comment isn't addressed solely to you, just a statement of my intent in general.