Sounds like Ms Barbara knows her racist, ignorant, bigot relative well enough to generalize, to the point where I wonder why she used that as an example of "a conservative" at all. No worries there, we should trust her judgement, with all due respect.
As to having to grandfather existing weasels in Congress, in order to get them to vote against their personal interests, there is another way, laid out in our very own U.S. Constitution, in the Article 5 process, where we, in the form of our State Legislatures, can form a convention of the States, propose and adopt such an Amendment, and allow it to proceed through the normal voting process, without the need to gain any vote in Congress, the Executive, or the Courts.
Our Constitutional scholars at KB will no doubt have some thoughts in that regard, and it seems, short of revolution, a viable way to regain control of our, and our children's children's future.
I would not stop with Congress and the Executive, knowing what we know now through our Nation's experience; I would term limit judges, starting with the Supreme Court, and proceeding down through the Federal bench in it's entirety.
Nothing says that a sitting politician cannot run again, being term limited, just that s/he cannot serve consecutive terms, and carries no seniority with them into future elective office; depends on how the Convention of the States writes and adopts (1 vote per State) any Amendments sprouting from the Convention, and making their way through the usual voting process of the various States.
I suggest Mark Levin's "Liberty and Tyranny" as good reading.