You can thank AlGore, among others of his ilk, for Ethanol... would be great, if only it did what was promised... and would be gone now, if only Iowa did not grow Corn, and have the first Primary cycle in our elections.
AlGore finally admitted he endorsed Ethanol, as 'good for the environment', as a concession to get votes in a number of corn growing states, where they sold excess crops for premium prices, and as it was a requirement in most areas, they had a guaranteed cash crop, the environment be damned.
Reducing crops sold for consumption, in order to case in on the sale of a required substance, reduces commerce worldwide, removes corn as a crop for feeding masses where masses have nothing to eat. Makes no difference to big corn, or big Politicians, or big Primary voters, seems. Cheap gas is good for the United States, as is cheap energy of any kind, and we need to get out of the way of energy producers, and allow our economy to prosper.