In a single day, less than a single day, after receiving the Police investigation, and prior to Police even seeing the Coroners Report, without benefit of airing all facts before a Grand Jury, this prosecutor has charged every Police Officer involved with Freddie Gray, with the virtual kitchen sink of every charge she could imagine.
Clearly the charges were in response to the mob actions, and fear of further mob actions by some residents of Baltimore, and once the various Police Officers are fully represented by competent counsel, who will most certainly demand and receive a change of venue, allowing a jury not poisoned by, and certainly not including, citizens of the City of Baltimore, they will likely be acquitted, according to the information released publicly to date.
The idea that failing to secure a arrested person with a seat belt, is a Second Degree Murder qualified charge for anyone, indicates that any passenger in almost any public school bus who dies in an accident has been Murdered... clearly a ridiculous situation, but the only tie-in for the Murder charges for some of these Officers.
The reaction to the likely Acquittal verdict will likely not be logical, but is very predictable. To date, what we have seen is strictly political in nature, which is sad at best. To the degree the charges allow a fat lawsuit to flourish, on behalf of Mr. Gray's relatives, represented by a Lawyer who is a personal and political friend, and contributor, to both the Prosecutor, and to her Baltimore City Council Member husband, who has been outspoken in this case.
Perhaps there is more, and the judicial process will reveal more than has been revealed so far, but this has all the markings of playing to the mob in the streets, as I see it. We shall see.