After waiting for the Mayor to call for help, Governor Hogan has finally taken action, and called out the National Guard, and Maryland State Police to help contain and restrain the hooligans in Baltimore, MD.
While the Mayor and local politicians hand wringing and delays allowed the local thugs and the out of town thugs ("activists") to get organized, the Governor waited far too long to send in his National Guard.
Police vacations and training have been cancelled, all hands on deck, detectives in uniform and assigned to street patrols, and Maryland State Police have thus far been unable to do what is necessary to protect the businesses and citizens who are obeying laws in Charm City, and return order as is necessary.
Anarchy is the enemy of Liberty and this is being shown again here
no matter why Mr. Angelos writes about peaceful protests, now or in the past. The opportunists have once again brought their chaos, and need to be put down.