Thanks brody, but I refuse to use Internet Exploder, and Firefox has proven to be more of a headache than chrome. The only thing I really don't like about chrome is this nonsense of Google Analytics, just another weapon that will reveal itself as a useful tool employed to curb our freedom.
My understanding is that IE is going to be dropped by the Dark Side, replaced with an independent browser fully compatible with HTML5... or so I have been given to understand. Which I suspect as Windoze is more and more linuxified, it will become a cross platform browser. but I don't know.
As far as Captcha is concerned, I have had a lot of trouble with it over the years, regardless of browser. Like Java, this is really old ideas and tired technology, time for it to be replaced and Javascript seems the tool to do that. Simple to code, simple to activate, no issues with browsers or platforms, and costs nothing in overhead to maintain, and no license to buy. The best part is that a simple maths question, like "What is 2 times 2 = [...ans...]" is seriously difficult for an automated process to answer. I would go so far as to suggest that the respondent is either human, ET or AI, neither of which are likely at this point.
In the end, Captchas are being broken all the time now, so they are really no longer secure, time to move on I would think.
Here are a couple of thoughts about it:, none of these are Captcha lovers, all profess to hate it, but they also give reasons why it is not a good tool to use.