Oh, I am going to So much enjoy arguing with you!
Most people take 'argue' as a negative thing, with negative connotations.
Any how I just woke up, need some coffee and I am going to go antiquing with my wife.
I would like to dismiss 'secret jails' out of hand, at least for Americans.
The folks at gitmo, were active participants in militia, there were and probably are a few that hand nothing to do with the war, or the taliban at all. One of the most talked about was a 14 year old boy, he really did not have anything to do with anything, and people get up in arms about "holding a child" but in Afghanistan 14 is 'a man grown' America and most of Europe are a bit of an anomaly when it comes to the idea of what is mature.
Are there people held in secret eastern European jails? well again I would have to ask for evidence to that. In the world we live in with information imposable to control much less track it is imposable to keep any thing secret.
"become the enemy" that is an interesting statement in itself. Consider Dresden
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden_in_World_War_IIin comparison the American and world response has been very controlled. We have not become evil at all. As countries I love Afghanistan, I am not at all found of Iraq. I have friends in both countries. Afghanistan gets under your skin, it is hard to explain but it is very easy to become attached to the land and the people, but I would flatten the country to protect my own. (I would make a very bad president)
Perhaps on another thread we can discuss what one has to sacrifice to be a leader, what of themselves that is.
as with the 'free speech zones' habeas corpus also has some exceptions that are very old. Washington DC police officers can hold people with out charge, on matters of national security, and that law has been in writing from the mid 1870s. Free Speech zones are also reflections of very old laws. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are not freedoms to express one's self in civilly disruptive ways.