The perp, a 20 yo man who had been protesting, and was seemingly not known, or at least Dem 'protest leaders' and State Senators, and their ilk made attempts to distance 'protesters' from him, has Facebook entries listing his friendship with Mr. Brown's fellow felonious thug Dorian Johnson, detailing his excitement to 'not miss out on the looting' during a previous Ferguson, MO "protest".
Seems some mainstream Press and Democrats suspected, hoped for, a member of Senator Byrd's KKK to be found the shooter, alas, without success. They have the weapon, a 40 Caliber that this scum brought to the protest, then admits to having fired 'at someone else'.
Incentives worked to generate the 'tip' and take this "wanted felon" off the streets anew, at least for now.
When a Police Officer doing his job shot a known Felon during an arrest in Ferguson, MO last August, President Obama sent in his Justice Department, including 50 FBI Agents, and his Attorney General, to comb through the emails of this town's officials, dispatched at least three 'official' representatives to attend Mr. Brown's funeral, and trashed Officer Darren Wilson, equating him with ISIS and BOKO HARAM in a speech before the United Nations.
When two police officers were shot, President Obama sent a tweet, and took another multimillion dollar trip by 747 to LA, to the Jimmy Kimmel show (while Michelle Obama flew on the same day, taking a 757 to LA, to be on air with Ellen). Such dedicated public servants.
Can you imagine any Republican President, being on record as a carbon footprint sensitive campaigner, getting away with such crass behavior without being trashed for it repeatedly by the press?
It's good to be a Democrat...