I'm not going to read the whole 50+ pages of discussion so probably what I'm about to say has been covered countless times before, but anyway...
From an outside the US perspective, I and probably lots of people like me we wonder why so many people there feel the need to carry guns and have them in their homes. Your constitution says so, sure, but these are not colonial days. The reason so many people get shot there compared to anywhere else is because guns are so freely available. It's that simple. Now, what are the chances that a stranger will break into your home or property with the express intention of doing you or someone in your family harm? The reality is, it's not that likely. The main reason someone will break into your home is to steal, and given a choice they'd rather no one is at home at the time. Gun ownership is driven by the gun lobby and the bogey man mentality - this irrational (it really is) fear that your family could be violated in the nighttime so you'd better sleep with a gun under your pillow or beside your bed. Real life is not as dangerous as it's made out to be by those who want to sell you guns. If you live in an area where guys with guns breaking into homes is a real possibility, see the gun control argument below.
If there was gun control there would be fewer bad guys with guns. What's better - arm everyone, or disarm everyone?
As for hunting/recreation, I guess that's okay as long as guns are stored safely. I'm not completely removed from this world BTW, as a child I could take apart, clean and reassemble shotguns and rifles pretty quickly, as from my dad's perspective, it was good that we were comfortable handling guns, and NEVER point them at anyone. That didn't stop me from getting my cousin on the floor one day and putting the barrel against his head. But the gun wasn't loaded and I'd just give him a scare by pulling the trigger and let him hear the click, just for a laugh. For whatever reason I didn't pull the trigger, then I checked the chamber... yes, if I'd pulled the trigger I would have blown his head apart. I can attest, having a gun in your house means the people in your house are at greater risk of getting shot by someone who lives in the home than an outsider.