However, as with any crime, we can't ignore the Means of the crime. In Japan, they have a term, Chikan for groping and sexual assault of women on trains. The trains didn't grope the women, and nobody is suggesting that, because it's absurd on it's face. However, the trains enable frotteurists, and other sexual predators access to captive strangers, in close proximity. So, something has to be done about the train's Security.
Spree shooters use guns. You don't have to blame the guns to realize that access to them makes certain psychotics more capable of mass murder. Unless, you're psychotic, and obsessed with guns, to give you Power over the weak, like children. Just like when we find out that a man is a child molestor, we limit his access to Children. Without blaming the children for being "Sexy."
I think we can all agree that it is a natural human right to have children. If not for that right, human beings would cease to be in a few generations. However, as with any right, there are assholes who abuse them, because they can. In fact, they can ruin it for the rest of us, if they're not stopped.
Gun fetishists that use them to abuse children have to be stopped. This should not be a controversial statement.