Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-MA influenced the House Sandinista wing of the Democrat Party, with House Minority Leader Pelosi, D-CA, House Minority Whip Stenny Hoyer, D-MD, and 206 of the usual suspects to vote to shut down the Federal Government last night, failing in their endeavor.
President Obama was able to convince 57 Democrat House Members of what a bad deal for Republicans he had negotiated, Elizabeth Warren be damned, and with some arm twisting, and sweeteners those Dems completed the 219 winning votes, as Republicans worked to keep the Federal Government open, and fully funded, regardless of constituents desires to further thwart the Obama Administrations priorities.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is very pleased, and most Americans will never bother to self inform, and just continue to bitch and moan as usual. Congratulations.
Senator Warren, a freshman Senator with no real power in that body, will no doubt continue to rant today, and we shall see if she is able to convince Senate Democrats to shut down the Federal Government over her leftist ravings.
I would love to see the CR Omnibus "cromnibus" bill rejected, encumbered enough so as not to pass a House-Senate Conference, and instead a generic Continuing Resolution be passed by both bodies, to carry this fight into 2015, and not fully fund the President's Ebola slush fund, his Amnesty by decree, U.S. State Department Flights bringing more Illegals from who knows where to join the ones already here, and other initiatives.
Such a result would serve the nations interest, allowing a more full and vocal debate in the Republican Senate in 2015; and serve Liz Warren right for being too cute by half in negating the House Rules Committee agreement with the Speaker yesterday.
Stay tuned. Dems are determined to seem relevant, as they go out the door once this session's gavels fall, while blaming anybody but themselves. The media is fully compliant with such claims, btw.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 01:18:51 PM by joan1984 »
Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.