If we take Mayor DeBlazio, and President Obama, and AG Eric Holder at their words, recent words, that there is an epidemic that stretches back to the founding of White Police killing Black People unjustly, and look at only the years they could do something about it, what are the stats?
Forget the NYC Mayor, who is brand new relatively, and recently was arguing to keep the 'choke hold' from being deemed illegal, but now is against it (sound familiar?), and give him a pass as a hapless liberal who is new to all this... lets just look at the past 6 years of this known to Holder and Obama epidemic.
How many Police Officers of any color, or ethnicity, have been found by Grand Juries in their jurisdictions (all Police are controlled by the States, by the way, not by the Feds, by that pesky Constitution)? How many? Surely there is a known number, as this is a epidemic...
How many Police Officers of any color, any ethnicity, any state, have been tried by Petit Juries and found Guilty of killing citizens due to race? Must be a large number, as our leaders surely know there is an epidemic, and have studied this matter closely, consulted with major cities Mayors and Police Chiefs, and Prosecutors, and Governors, right? What is the number... within 100 would be close enough to start, if they as yet don't have the exact count... just the years the Obama Administration, and Eric Holder's Justice Department have been 'On Watch'?
If there is no ready number, then how do they get to 'epidemic'? If there is a number, some good citizen will surely find it, and quote it.