The assumption is that the agitators, many not from Ferguson, MO, will be so able to whip up a frenzy with the locals that they will want to cause trouble, riot, looting and civil commotion, if not worse.
President Obama is of course responsible for giving this whole mess the weight that it has, and his hopes for a high Democrat turnout have gone wanting, so he has moved on... hopes the racket in Ferguson, and elsewhere, will soak up headlines heading into the weekend, which suits his timing for his abuse of office, encroaching on Article 1 where he knows he is wrong, but calculates he can win the public sentiment, if the media does not focus on his lawlessness, and petty partisan acts too much.
He believes the Rs are afraid of what he would do to shut the government down, if they use the Constitutional power of the purse, as they should, to fully curb his actions... and intends the DOJ to give him cover for the fiasco happening there.
Hopefully, the Grand Jury will take another week or so to make a decision, and leave the President's illegal, and unwanted by the Congress and the people, amnesty actions out if full view, forcing the media to research a bit about his weak arguments that this is like when other Presidents signed laws, and enforced laws with their own spin, rather than likening him to past Democrats who needed to be shut down by their own party and the courts for overreach.
Dept Of State has announced they will begin free flights from Central America to bring more "family members" to add to this invasion, but "only for legal resident aliens"... looks like a plan in place to me, for more, millions more if we look at DHS's warnings about how we can expect a new wave of illegal immigratoin in the immediate future, for which they are intentionally unprepared.
At what point is he stopped?