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Gun sales spike as Ferguson area braces for grand jury decision

phtlc · 3607

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #40 on: November 17, 2014, 10:46:47 PM
Let's go after the nut jobs, KKK Democrats and anyone who threatens. Misdirection by the Revereng AL and his psycho followers, and MSNBC types needs to be curbed. Not law abiding firearm owners and law abiding citizens of MO, or any other State.

There is no percentage for law abiding citizens of MO to shoot people.
Self defense is allowed, is their right, and is not threatening other than to lawbreakers who threaten individuals and their abodes. Castle doctrine applies, and has for many years.

There is too much talk of vigilante action and of shooting.

There is a danger of a trigger happy, adrenaline charged individual opening fire on a crowd occupying a public space.

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Offline phtlc

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Reply #41 on: November 17, 2014, 11:28:28 PM
There is a danger of a trigger happy, adrenaline charged individual opening fire on a crowd occupying a public space.

But assuming that every armed person defending their property will be a trigger happy, adrenaline charged individual opening fire on a crowd occupying a public space is similar to assuming a protestor will be a looter.

While you're waiting in vain for that apology, why don't you make yourself useful by getting on your knees and opening your mouth

Offline Lois

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Reply #42 on: November 18, 2014, 02:16:22 AM
Anonymous Seized the Klan's Main Twitter Account Sunday Morning #OpKKK #HoodsOff

... and wouldn't let go until a short time ago.

Anonymous had been in control of the Klan's main Twitter account @KuKluxKlanUSA since 9 this morning, posting its own pictures on the racists' account and using the hashtags, #OpKKK #Ferguson and #lulz.

Anonymous issued this video explaining its actions. Anonymous took action after the Klan threatened protesters in Ferguson with lethal force.

(Note that the original video was removed by YouTube after the KKK reported it as "bullying"  :emot_laughing:,  What a bunch of putzes!)

The Klan is "very upset."

The Klan also threatened a a reporter who taped the call and posted the threats: "We'll be watching you." etc.

Meanwhile the Klan set up a second account, @YourKKKcentral where it issued threats "to call the FBI!" Anonymous quickly toook controls of that account too.

Anonymous declared cyber war after the Klan threatened Ferguson protesters with physical violence. Using the hashtags #OpKKK, and #HoodsOff members of Anon have been pulling the#HoodsOff Klan members in the St.Louis and Ferguson area, showing their faces and other identifying information all day long. They also mentioned two Klan members who are Florida police officers. Anonymous unhooded one Indiana Klansman, Chad Burris, who displays an image of a klan man lounging on the connected bodies of two lynched black people. Anonymous mentioned the activities of the Charleston, West Virginia police lieutenant suspended last month for Klan activities.

There's a massive show of support in favor of the actions Anonymous took today. Here it is by the numbers.

Here are snippets from Anon's Twitter stream.

ZDNet has a wrap.
"KKK Twitter accounts insulted and mocked Anonymous on the microblogging site until Sunday evening when Anonymous declared a victory in the form of snatching the account of @KuKluxKlanUSA."

Offline Lois

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Offline Elizabeth

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Reply #44 on: November 18, 2014, 04:52:59 AM
The Governor has declared a state of Emergency, and the National Guard has been alerted and mobilized. Things could get very interesting or go horribly wrong.


Offline phtlc

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Reply #45 on: November 18, 2014, 05:37:51 AM
The Governor has declared a state of Emergency, and the National Guard has been alerted and mobilized. Things could get very interesting or go horribly wrong.


Overreaction. Even if he wanted the military on standby he could have done so discretely. Declaring an emergency like this just sets the tone for outbursts.

While you're waiting in vain for that apology, why don't you make yourself useful by getting on your knees and opening your mouth

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #46 on: November 18, 2014, 04:56:02 PM

The Governor has declared a state of Emergency, and the National Guard has been alerted and mobilized. Things could get very interesting or go horribly wrong.


Overreaction. Even if he wanted the military on standby he could have done so discretely. Declaring an emergency like this just sets the tone for outbursts.

I agree (and yes, I know, you get that a lot).

The flames are being fanned from many different quarters, and the potential for things to "go horribly wrong" increases with each passing day.

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Reply #47 on: November 18, 2014, 07:18:54 PM
But if the Governor did not issue a state of emergency and have proper protection when the grand jury verdict is delivered he would be castigated by many.  Not defending the Governor but in this case, he is kind of damned if he does, damned if he didn't.   Always better to err on the side of more protection, I think.

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Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #48 on: November 18, 2014, 07:24:44 PM

But if the Governor did not issue a state of emergency and have proper protection when the grand jury verdict is delivered he would be castigated by many.  Not defending the Governor but in this case, he is kind of damned if he does, damned if he didn't.   Always better to err on the side of more protection, I think.

He should have, as phtlc points out, arranged a state of heightened preparedness -- without making national headlines in the process. Doing it so publicly is aggressively counter-productive.

The media is salivating at the prospect of a massive conflict, further fanning the flames.

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Offline Lois

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Reply #49 on: November 20, 2014, 04:47:53 AM
They used to say it sold more papers, back in the day when people used to read to get their news.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #50 on: November 20, 2014, 05:58:06 AM
  The assumption is that the agitators, many not from Ferguson, MO, will be so able to whip up a frenzy with the locals that they will want to cause trouble, riot, looting and civil commotion, if not worse.

  President Obama is of course responsible for giving this whole mess the weight that it has, and his hopes for a high Democrat turnout have gone wanting, so he has moved on... hopes the racket in Ferguson, and elsewhere, will soak up headlines heading into the weekend, which suits his timing for his abuse of office, encroaching on Article 1 where he knows he is wrong, but calculates he can win the public sentiment, if the media does not focus on his lawlessness, and petty partisan acts too much.

  He believes the Rs are afraid of what he would do to shut the government down, if they use the Constitutional power of the purse, as they should, to fully curb his actions... and intends the DOJ to give him cover for the fiasco happening there.

  Hopefully, the Grand Jury will take another week or so to make a decision, and leave the President's illegal, and unwanted by the Congress and the people, amnesty actions out if full view, forcing the media to research a bit about his weak arguments that this is like when other Presidents signed laws, and enforced laws with their own spin, rather than likening him to past Democrats who needed to be shut down by their own party and the courts for overreach.

  Dept Of State has announced they will begin free flights from Central America to bring more "family members" to add to this invasion, but "only for legal resident aliens"... looks like a plan in place to me, for more, millions more if we look at DHS's warnings about how we can expect a new wave of illegal immigratoin in the immediate future, for which they are intentionally unprepared.

  At what point is he stopped?

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Reply #51 on: November 20, 2014, 06:01:48 AM
I really don't think presidential influence has anything to do with what is going on in Ferguson. To think so is a sad indication that you aren't fully in touch with the reality of the situation.

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Offline Scotty

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Actually Mr Holder DID jump in and fan the fire...with little regard for what was going on. A large thug robbed a small store then tried to resist arrest and take a cops gun and ended up dead. Then it was blown out of proportion and used by some black people to riot and rob and burn local businesses. Now cops have been shot. A large % of arrests there are black and that is a reflection of the local % of the population there. We all have a right to protect ourselves and if necessary by deadly force.