The cost, so far, estimated for Mr. Duncan's treatment exceeds $500,000.00 and counting, to be paid by... wait for it... you!
Mr. Duncan lied about his reason for his visit to the United States, Tourist Visa when he came seeking medical care, lied to Liberian officials when he failed to note any contact with Ebola victims, after having multiple close neighbors recently die, and helping carry one victim to get care.
Thus, Mr. Duncan was yet another Illegal alien entrant to the United States, masking his history and medical history, as he knew he would be delayed by the incubation period imposed by his home Country, if he told them the truth, and did not put others at risk by flying half way around the world to seek free, hopefully effective care.
He went to the same Hospital that finally admitted him, told them a little about where he had been, but largely left them to discover his issues, and was treated as would anyone with flu like symptoms in Texas, prescribed antibiotics, and asked to followup with his own doc.
He had no Doc, and certainly no insurance, waving around some paper with Liberia medical printed on it, and so has no ability to pay.
Our national race hustler emeritus, former District of Columbia "Shadow Senator" Jessie Jackson has arranged cable and radio show visits by relatives of Mr. Duncan, their citizenship and legal status to be in the United States unspecified to date, so they may complain that he died of Ebola because he was black. And, threatening to sue, who exactly is unclear, but I am certain they will find some deep pockets sooner or later.
Mr. Duncan got Ebola by being in Liberia, at the wrong time and place and then took illegal actions, endangering who knows how many people between Liberia and Texas, and anywhere in between, and was to be charged by at least his home country, had he survived. The care he got was superior to any he was due, and we sincerely hope no one else dies due to his contamination of them.
Mr. Jackson should return to Chicago where his agitator status is well known, and they know how to ignore him, politely, unless someone needs to trot him out for a "counseling" session, as the Clinton's' have done in the past. Part of the high cost would have occurred with any Ebola patient, being the first one 'unplanned for' in the United States only complicated the costs, but "enough". Mr. Jackson's relatives who are not here legally, if any, need to be dispatched to where they came from forthwith, at the lowest cost to the American taxpayer, and Mr. Jackson put back into his hole.