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2016 - The End Of An Error

joan1984 · 3439

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Offline joan1984

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on: September 27, 2014, 10:42:40 PM

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #1 on: September 27, 2014, 10:44:56 PM
I think Palin has less to say, and more to hide. She's ignorant, not particularly bright, and has less self-control than many others.

Besides, her sense of humor is lacking.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

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Reply #2 on: September 27, 2014, 11:30:14 PM

Arrest The Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor


Offline joan1984

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Reply #3 on: September 28, 2014, 02:43:58 AM

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #4 on: September 28, 2014, 05:36:56 PM
It's like we have a population of Cheney clones out there. Bubbas who can only see in black and white, who have no capacity to see beyond thier own propaganda, who believe that one nation can go in and make it all right without consequences.

The same people who will bitch and carp because we assume the role of world policeman and send our hard earned tax dollars to ungrateful nations.

The stupidity, it burns.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 05:12:09 AM by Katiebee »

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

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Reply #5 on: October 01, 2014, 08:42:57 PM
It's like we have a population of Cheney clones out there. Bubbas who can only see in black and white, who have no capacity to see beyond thier own propaganda, who believe that one nation can go in and make it all tigr without consequences.

The same people who will bitch and carp because we assume the role of world policeman and send our hard earned tax dollars to ungrateful nations.

The stupidity, it burns.

Now there is a nightmare.......Cheney clones.  Arghhhhhh

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.

Offline anvil

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Reply #6 on: October 02, 2014, 01:36:32 PM
but, but, she's a hottie,, and a gun totin' soccer mom. what else does it require to be a politian these days?

note: when I typed " hogtie", my smarter-than-me phone decided it should have been "hogtie". hmm, that would have worked just as well. makes you wonder

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #7 on: October 02, 2014, 06:36:19 PM

O'ebola spreading in Texas, from Illegal Alien community, minimum of 80 known exposed so far from one man who flew from Africa to Belguim, then to Dulles Airport, then to Dallas, and was turned away with some Antibiotics from the local hospital... a few days later taken back to the hospital by ambulance.

O'enterovirus D-68, "mystery virus" causing paralysis in children, now in 46 of O's 57 "States" so far, likely spreading from infected Unaccompaied Alien Minors and other Illegal Aliens who were rush processed at the Mexican borders and quickly dispersed to infiltrate school systems in 'every state', uknown whether in everyplace that can cast a vote, the O 57, incluldes DC and all the Territories who vote for Democrats... the usual suspects.

The White House says Immigration Officials Have Protocols to protect us at the borders... the same White House spokesman said two days ago that the White House and the President "has full confidence" in the now fired Secret Service director - another one bites the dust...

How confident are you that the statement from the White House is true and accurate, no worries, go shopping...?

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Katiebee

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Reply #8 on: October 02, 2014, 07:21:35 PM
Joan. Panic.
Unless you know how a disease spreads you shouldn't comment on it.

FUD, FUD, and more FUD.

Don't trust your sources Joan, they are Uninformed, unknowledgeable rumor mongers that if they said that the sky is blue or that gravity exists, I would doubt it.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 07:25:11 PM by Katiebee »

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline staci

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Reply #9 on: October 02, 2014, 07:49:36 PM
Lol. Joan should join forces with that Quinton dude that makes all those Zombie movies. All is well here in Ebolaland. Rick Perry is on top of it.

one of the originals

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Reply #10 on: October 02, 2014, 09:30:24 PM
yup, easily contained. so we bring 3 meds back home with known Ebola and 2 are cured. haven't heard about the third.

oops, one got into Texas yesterday, and im relieved because the news said its isolated and contained.

Damn, just saw today's headlines, one more suspected case in Texas. there goes Colorado's greatest renewable resource.

not to worry, the news media is absolutely impeccable honest and the government never lies.

rumor has it, the surefire way not to contract Ebola is to not let anybody spit down yer throat, don't lick the sweat off his balls, and don't taste the dew betwixt her breasts.

I'm in trouble, can't stay away from the third one. oh well, what a way to go.

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #11 on: October 02, 2014, 10:26:38 PM
not to worry, the news media is absolutely impeccable honest and the government never lies.

  So true, Anvil. The guy in TX has been in touch with many more people than first reported, from 4 to 20, then 80, now some larger number... see over 10,000 from Liberia, many illegal, have established a community in TX...

  Heard just now that a case in HI is pending identification and they are watching a patient in St Louis as well... CDC will not make a recommendation as to curtailing flights from Liberia and other Ebola nations. We have Border Agents who contracted other diseases, and scabies, from contact with the "children" being processed from Honduras, at least one with Tuberculosis.

  Spreading them around, with dont ask, dont tell type medical history makes no sense, but we have them in every State, per the White House, sucking down Millions per State in Education costs just this year alone.

  President Obama worked in 2010 to eliminate Quarantine, stringent reporting by airlines of incoming passengers, and identification of the passengers showing any sign of illness... the protocol was suggested in 2005, took until 2009 to put into place, then wiped out in 2010, as a concession to the ACLU, Labor Unions, and Airline owners, fund raisers.

  So this is his legacy.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Lois

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Reply #12 on: October 10, 2014, 03:33:19 AM
From Wiki:

Liberia is the only country in Africa founded by United States colonization while occupied by native Africans. Beginning in 1820, the region was colonized by African Americans, most of whom were freed slaves. The colonizers (who later become known as Americo-Liberians) established a new country with the help of the American Colonization Society, a private organization whose leaders thought former slaves would have greater opportunity in Africa. African captives freed from slave ships by the British and Americans were sent there instead of being repatriated to their countries of origin.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #13 on: October 10, 2014, 08:02:22 AM
  The cost, so far, estimated for Mr. Duncan's treatment exceeds $500,000.00 and counting, to be paid by... wait for it... you!

Mr. Duncan lied about his reason for his visit to the United States, Tourist Visa when he came seeking medical care, lied to Liberian officials when he failed to note any contact with Ebola victims, after having multiple close neighbors recently die, and helping carry one victim to get care.

Thus, Mr. Duncan was yet another Illegal alien entrant to the United States, masking his history and medical history, as he knew he would be delayed by the incubation period imposed by his home Country, if he told them the truth, and did not put others at risk by flying half way around the world to seek free, hopefully effective care.

He went to the same Hospital that finally admitted him, told them a little about where he had been, but largely left them to discover his issues, and was treated as would anyone with flu like symptoms in Texas, prescribed antibiotics, and asked to followup with his own doc.

He had no Doc, and certainly no insurance, waving around some paper with Liberia medical printed on it, and so has no ability to pay.
Our national race hustler emeritus, former District of Columbia "Shadow Senator" Jessie Jackson has arranged cable and radio show visits by relatives of Mr. Duncan, their citizenship and legal status to be in the United States unspecified to date, so they may complain that he died of Ebola because he was black. And, threatening to sue, who exactly is unclear, but I am certain they will find some deep pockets sooner or later.

Mr. Duncan got Ebola by being in Liberia, at the wrong time and place and then took illegal actions, endangering who knows how many people between Liberia and Texas, and anywhere in between, and was to be charged by at least his home country, had he survived. The care he got was superior to any he was due, and we sincerely hope no one else dies due to his contamination of them.

Mr. Jackson should return to Chicago where his agitator status is well known, and they know how to ignore him, politely, unless someone needs to trot him out for a "counseling" session, as the Clinton's' have done in the past. Part of the high cost would have occurred with any Ebola patient, being the first one 'unplanned for' in the United States only complicated the costs, but "enough". Mr. Jackson's relatives who are not here legally, if any, need to be dispatched to where they came from forthwith, at the lowest cost to the American taxpayer, and Mr. Jackson put back into his hole.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #14 on: October 10, 2014, 08:13:33 AM
From Wiki:

Liberia is the only country in Africa founded by United States colonization while occupied by native Africans. Beginning in 1820, the region was colonized by African Americans, most of whom were freed slaves. The colonizers (who later become known as Americo-Liberians) established a new country with the help of the American Colonization Society, a private organization whose leaders thought former slaves would have greater opportunity in Africa. African captives freed from slave ships by the British and Americans were sent there instead of being repatriated to their countries of origin.

And here is "the rest of the story" regarding the repatriation to Africa movement by Democrats, for all the political reasons you might come up with, having little to do with betterment of African Americans in the post Civil War period:

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Lois

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Reply #15 on: October 10, 2014, 04:23:43 PM
LOL! Except the Democrats of those times are the Republicans of today.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 04:30:10 PM by Lois »

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Reply #16 on: October 10, 2014, 04:29:32 PM
Thomas Eric Duncan: 7 ways his Ebola case differs from others in U.S.
By Faith Karimi and Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN

His family is devastated. The woman he planned to marry, haunted by the "what ifs." And many are wondering why Thomas Eric Duncan died when several other Ebola patients treated in the United States survived.

Duncan was hospitalized eight days after he arrived from Liberia, and later tested positive for Ebola. He died Wednesday, but not much is known about his medical history.

Here are seven ways his case differs from other patients in the U.S.:

1. Duncan wasn't hospitalized right away

 Partner of victim: 'His suffering is over' Did Duncan know he had Ebola? Did Duncan get the best treatment?

Unlike the American patients, who were quickly tested and quarantined at the first sign of Ebola, Duncan wasn't.

Duncan arrived in Dallas from Liberia on September 20, and he made his initial visit to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on September 25.

He was treated for a fever, vomiting and abdominal pain -- all symptoms of Ebola. But he was sent home with antibiotics and was not screened for the virus. Relatives say he told hospital staff he'd come from Liberia.

Three days later, he was hospitalized in worse condition and was quickly isolated. He became the first case of the deadly virus diagnosed on American soil.

"What if they had taken him right away? And what if they had been able to get treatment to him earlier?" said pastor George Mason of Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas.

2. He didn't get an experimental drug immediately

Duncan received experimental medicine on October 4 -- six days after admission to the hospital. It was a far longer wait than four other Ebola patients treated in the United States. Those patients -- two each at Atlanta's Emory University Hospital and the University of Nebraska Medical Center -- got experimental medicine immediately. They're all U.S. citizens; Duncan was a Liberian.

His family is claiming bias, arguing it took too long for him to receive the medicine.
"It is suspicious to us that all the white patients survived and this one black patient passed away ... He didn't begin his treatment in Africa. He began treatment here, but he wasn't given a chance," said Josephus Weeks, his nephew.
Not so, the hospital says.

"The investigative drug was administered as soon as his physicians determined that his condition warranted it, and as soon as it could be obtained," Texas Health Presbyterian said Thursday.

Since the drugs are still experimental, individual hospitals have to file the paperwork with the Food and Drug Administration for permission to use them. The agency received the request to use the experimental drug brincidofovir on October 3, five days after Duncan entered the hospital.

3. He got a different experimental drug

Duncan got brincidofovir. And he was the first Ebola patient to receive it, the hospital said.

 U.S. to check travelers for fevers CDC: We can't get U.S. Ebola risk to zero Chief: Deputy was in Ebola victim's home

Two of four patients who survived after treatment in the U.S. received a different drug, ZMapp. Experts say there's no proof that ZMapp or any drug is effective in treating Ebola. A Spanish priest infected with Ebola died after taking it in August.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Duncan didn't get ZMapp because its stocks were depleted.

A third American patient received TKM-Ebola -- another experimental drug approved by the FDA recently for wider use.

The fourth one, NBC cameraman Ashoka Mukpo, who got infected in Liberia and was airlifted to Nebraska on Sunday, got the same drug as Duncan.
Ebola drugs are in the works

4. He didn't get a blood transfusion from an Ebola survivor

Unlike other American patients, Duncan didn't get a blood transfusion from someone who'd survived the virus.

That's because doctors couldn't find a match, the hospital said Thursday.
"Mr. Duncan did not receive the same type of serum transfusion as the patient in Nebraska (Mukpo) because his blood type was not compatible with the serum donors," the hospital said. Mukpo received a transfusion from Dr. Kent Brantly, who survived the virus.

5. The hospital treating him had no advance notice

The Atlanta and Nebraska facilities knew in advance they were expecting Ebola patients, a crucial element for a disease so rare in the United States.
Hospitals that took care of the four are also among the most well-equipped nationwide to battle the deadly virus.

Despite lack of notification, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital said Duncan got top-notch care and his medical team consulted daily with the CDC and Emory.

6. Information on his case has been muddled

Details on Duncan's background have not been as clear-cut.

His relatives said he made it clear to the hospital that he had just come from Liberia. His symptoms pointed at Ebola, they said.

Initially, the hospital said Duncan was "not exhibiting symptoms specific to Ebola" when he first went to the hospital. And, they said, details about his travel history weren't communicated to doctors.

But later, it said a flaw in electronic records had kept doctors from seeing his travel history. Then it said his travel history had been documented and was available to his care team.

7. Family believes his insurance status played a role

Duncan had just arrived from Liberia to visit his girlfriend and son, and probably had no insurance.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson, who's serving as a spokesman for the family, said that was a concern.

"I would tend to think that those who do not have insurance, those who do not have Medicaid, do not have the same priorities as those who do," the civil rights leader said.
But the hospital denied the claim.

"Our care team provided Mr. Duncan with the same high level of attention and care that would be given any patient, regardless of nationality or ability to pay for care," the hospital said. "In this case that included a four-hour evaluation and numerous tests. We have a long history of treating a multicultural community in this area."
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 04:49:13 PM by Lois »

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Reply #17 on: October 10, 2014, 04:47:51 PM
"Let them die" Joanie wrote:

Mr. Duncan lied about his reason for his visit to the United States, Tourist Visa when he came seeking medical care, lied to Liberian officials when he failed to note any contact with Ebola victims, after having multiple close neighbors recently die, and helping carry one victim to get care.

Thus, Mr. Duncan was yet another Illegal alien entrant to the United States, ...

Sources please?

This is what I found:
Duncan arrived in the U.S. on Sept. 20 to reunite with Louise Troh, a former romantic partner from Liberia, and son Karsiah Duncan after a 16-year separation, The New York Times reported. Duncan and Troh had met in a refugee camp in the early 1990s, but separated after Karsiah was born. Troh left for the U.S. in 1998, where she has lived since, according to The Times. Troh had previously visited Liberia to see him and plan his trip to the U.S., where they hoped to get married, The Star-Telegram reported.

And more:

Love, not Ebola, drove Thomas Eric Duncan from his native Liberia.

Duncan — whose diagnosis and death has unleashed alarm about Ebola in the U.S. — was accused of lying on his travel forms to flee his diseased-ravaged country. Some faulted him for flying to Texas just days after assisting an ill neighbor in Monrovia, Liberia.

The 42-year-old Duncan, who went by the name Eric,  likely contracted the disease from the neighbor, but friends in Dallas say he didn’t know the pregnant woman had Ebola. He believed she had miscarried, and he was just trying to help her family get her to a hospital.
“The doctors took blood samples from her and told her she could go,” Saymendy Lloyd, a family friend, told the Dallas Morning News. “If he had known she had Ebola … he would not have put the love of his life in a situation like this.”

Duncan, travelling on a visa, made his first trip to the U.S. to reunite with his estranged son and the teen's mother, Louise Troh, who had been his girlfriend before she and the child fled war-torn Liberia for the United States 16 years ago.

So, if Duncan had a visa, that means he was here legally correct?  So what are Joan's posts really all about?  They are about hate and fear.  Once again Joan has exposed herself as a hate monger and a fear monger.  She really needs to move beyond such unworthy motivations.

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Reply #18 on: October 10, 2014, 07:21:33 PM
  He lied on travel documents, therefore his travel was not legal, and the fact the US gave him a Visa is part of the problem, seems to me.
Was his son born in the US? Is the supposed fiance a US citizen, or is this ex bf of hers, who quit his job, gave no notice and purchased a one way ticket out of Liberia, lied so he would not be quarantined, and paid NOTHING for his medical care and disruption of the US Medical System...

  Did not realize they had ordered a cake, hired a photographer, and sent out the invites. Wonder if they registered at Thallheimers, or the top store in the TX town to which he travelled?

  I don't blame scammers who met in a refugee camp a decade and a half ago, especially a deadbeat Dad who has not seen his child or his "fiance" in 16 years, for scheming to enter the US, use his one way ticket, no money in his pockets, and lying to escape Liberia; I blame the people who gave him a Visa.

  Still no word on exactly who thought he was a great prospect to come here, and issued a Visa.

  My concern is that Jessie Jackson had someone buy him a plane ticket and hotel room in TX, knowing he never spends his own money for anything, so he can whip up some further resentment there. Who is financing Jessie this time?

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but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #19 on: October 10, 2014, 09:14:46 PM
He had a legal visa. He was not an illegal emigrant. Don't twist things. By law ERs are not allowed to turn away patients. And once diagnosed with Ebola, who pays is immaterial.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 09:19:02 PM by Katiebee »

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.