Looking over the original post -- there's a complaint about JavaScript having poor handling in FF.
Jeepers! Turn it off! Turn JavaScript off, and only enable it on trusted sites.
Chrome, with its JavaScript handling-by-default -- and any Browser that lets JavaScript run willy-nilly -- is going to be a steal-your-personal-information-including-Credit-Cards Nightmare.
Turn it off. Just be safe.
Sounds like that will slow down my downloading of porn quite a bit SJ. Definitely a no no!
Yep, without Javascript you won't get ANY of the tube videos to play. Nearly all of them have a Javascript construct wrapped around them to get the video going.
The problem with Javascript is that people are using it to excess. Javascript is a programming language, and it's VERY powerful. HOWEVER, every time you move the mouse or do just damned near anything, ALL of it has to be re-evaluated to see whether your action changed the state of something, to see if it needs to do something new.
Think about that for a moment. Most people think linearly. Javascript *isn't*. It's roughly equivalent to having to read an entire book, all at once in a flash, every time you move the mouse. THAT'S the kind of burden that Javascript places on Firefox (and other browsers). SOME of them handle it OK, but many are struggling with the enormous constructs that people use nowadays, worse in the last year.
Don't get Javascript confused with Java: they're two utterly different things. BOTH can be used to hijack your browser/PC or do oddball things 'cos they're programs that are executing on your computer. Java is actually MORE dangerous, which is funny 'cos Sun Microsystems designed it to be a 'safe sandbox' for programs to play within. Yeah, sure, you betcha. There's sand leaking ALL over outside the 'sandbox'. I uninstalled Java off all of my machines (except one) years ago, and I've had far fewer infections than the rest of you have as a result. My lone exception NEVER goes on the Internet.
Side note: 'infected PDF files' are infected with little scraps of Javascript that cause your Acrobat reader to run out on the Internet and download viruses. Wonderful. Thanks for adding that mis-feature, Adobe! I uninstalled Acrobat and switched to Foxit because of that idiocy, and I'm a happier camper because of it. Foxit has NEVER had the ability to execute Javascript, so it's inherently safer.