No hitch-hikers?
None, but we would have never stopped for one. Me and Amanda both have handguns that we did bring, and Shannon had pepper and bear spray in her SUV, but we'd never pick up hitchhikers.
There was so much we did, like on Saturday we didnt have any tours or anything planned, and Shannon is all about Hard Rock Cafe and hoth locations in Boston were closed, so we drove to the one in Connecticut at that MASSIVE casino there. So not only did we put two more pins in our state visit map but we got to see so much more beautiful countryside and did a little gambling. We all quit when we started losing. I'll be honest and wanted to stay a bit longer, but those two had enough and we headed back.
Oh and we had a workshop where we all made our own witch brooms and learned a bit of history on the lore about why witches fly on brooms and such. Was so much fun. There were other people in the workshop and the girl reaching wa getting frustrated with one woman, bot because she was rude or anything bad, she just had trouble getting something to work, and the instructor had an anxiety attack and started crying. Everybody in the room stopped and went to her. Did our best to calm her down and trying to get her to relax and smile. I started talking like my male relatives with that thick midwestern accent with the "holy Toledo's", "Geez Louise", but it was the "dontcha know" that got her laughing pretty good. Got just about everybody laughing.