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What MADE your day today?

Well Behaved Lady · 317929

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Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #5680 on: August 02, 2021, 04:46:00 PM
Flirting with an online friend.  I say, “I’d really like to see your ass.” Thinking that would be the next step.  It’s like she went from the Dog Dare straight to the Triple Dog Dare, and sent me a photo of her kiska (pussy), in all its preternatural glory. Totally unexpected. Thoroughly appreciated.

Sounds like she was eager for Show and Tell ;)

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Reply #5681 on: August 03, 2021, 03:10:38 PM
Made s trip up to door county after work yesterday. Me and a friend definitely didnt plan it, she stopped by for s margarita and to chat, but had the sudden idea of driving there to go to the drive-in theater. So we checked to see what was playing. It's always a double feature and if we start for 5he second film, we wouldnt be home until 4 or 5 in the morning. Depending how many times we stop and switch drivers.

Thankfully the second movie was Cruells, which we already seen. The first movie was Jungle Cruise with Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt. It was a decent movie, entertaining with a good plot, but it was the "Dad Jokes" that had my laughing hard. Dwayne Johnson popping off random puns in the beginning had me hooked for the whole movie.

We ended up back home a little after 2 a.m. I just woke up and grabbed my first cup of the day

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Reply #5682 on: August 03, 2021, 05:09:20 PM

Mayor de Blasio announced yesterday that all of the city's new hires will be required to be vaccinated before starting a job.

A few minutes ago, he announced that proof of vaccination will be required for both employees and customers in all city restaurants, gyms, and "places of entertainment."

While I've never been a fan of de Blasio, I salute and support both these efforts.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

Offline msslave

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Reply #5683 on: August 04, 2021, 04:09:34 AM
Fun gathering of neighbors for National Night Out tonight. Had good visits with a few of the new people on the block. A couple new babies too with the obligatory ooohs and aaahs.

Was amused by one guys t-shirt. Big WTF with "Where's the fish" in small letters underneath.

Lots of goodies being shared. Can't wait to see my blood sugar numbers in the morning. :facepalm:

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Offline seeker83

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Reply #5684 on: August 04, 2021, 05:43:39 AM
I bought a domain name and started building a website around a passion of mine.  I don't know if anything will come of it, but it is something that I did and am happy I started doing.

Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #5685 on: August 04, 2021, 06:11:39 AM
it is something that I did and am happy I started doing.


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Reply #5686 on: August 04, 2021, 07:35:34 PM
I received 4 tubs of powdered energy drink today and got them earlier than when the mail usually comes!

Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #5687 on: August 06, 2021, 06:21:06 AM
Reading the latest chapter of Sink or Swim  ;D

Offline Shiela_M

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Reply #5688 on: August 06, 2021, 06:32:02 AM
Reading the latest chapter of Sink or Swim  ;D

Thank you love  :emot_kiss:

Having the motivation and mindset to finish another part of a story I was writing. Hoping to get some more done on a whole new experience  :emot_kiss:

Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #5689 on: August 06, 2021, 07:11:53 AM
Hoping to get some more done on a whole new experience  :emot_kiss:

Ooh, looking forward! ;)

Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #5690 on: August 06, 2021, 11:00:29 PM
Looking at the stats for July, we had 2,574 posts and 88 new topics, both more than in any other month for 2021 :)

Interestingly, we had only 207 new members, less than in any other month for 2021, so I guess we have a case of quality over quantity and that the new members are posting more than on average  8)

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Reply #5691 on: August 06, 2021, 11:53:37 PM
Just set up my new keyboard and mouse. Wore all the letters off the previous keyboard, which was not the original one. Also a UPS, because the power has been weird around here.

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Reply #5692 on: August 07, 2021, 03:28:51 AM
Some random guy at the grocery store told me I was cute.  So was he, but 15 years younger than me.
I was looking over the strawberry's (they all seemed to be too mushy), Dan was getting lettuce.  So he wasn't present.  When I told him he laughed, then said, "you're not cute, you're beautiful.  Big difference."

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Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #5693 on: August 07, 2021, 03:38:19 AM
Woo for Dan  ;D


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Reply #5694 on: August 09, 2021, 12:56:16 AM
Nothing sexual about this, but I have an electric lawnmower that has been on the fritz. I never registered it with the manufacturer, and I no longer have my sales receipt. I tend to not think about needing things. Because I’m overly optimistic that everything is going to go well.

So I headed over to the big box hardware store, fully expecting to get fucked over. But the young lady at the service counter was very helpful, even apologetic. She said, “We get one or two of these in here every week. These batteries really are not very good.“

Well those batteries cost $180. They set up a little experiment, tested my charger and my battery, and gave me a full replacement. No charge. I was really impressed. That kind of customer service is relatively rare these days.

So now if it will stop raining, I can mow this jungle.

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Reply #5695 on: August 09, 2021, 06:43:31 AM

So now if it will stop raining, I can mow this jungle.

My manly things have always been about being in the wilderness; I do that fairly well.  I’m not very mechanical, never have been.  I’m the guy that had to get the booklet out every time I started my chainsaw.  Well, I should say tried to start my chainsaw.  It was always a frustrating fight full of curses.  It took me nearly two decades to understand that slight difference you hear on that one pull on the cord means take the choke off and pull again.  Prior to recently if I got the fucking thing started, it was pure chance often after hours of trying.  My first chainsaw got shoved in the garage where it stayed for well over ten years.  Because I had bought another, I gave the first one to a tree guy that took down some large branches this past fall.  He put fuel in it, and after a few pulls got it started. . . . after over a decade at least sitting idle in my garage.  I had given up on that one.

So what made my day today?  I wanted to use my current chainsaw, but knew the chain was a bit loose.  I figured out how to tighten it and was happily sawing branches in my jungle today, which I’m pretty sure is far worse than toe’s.  The tree guy that did my front for about 5k, asked for 8k to do the back.  But, there’s nothing in the back that requires repelling 25 feet up like the front did.  I can do it I keep telling my Peruvian.  I’ve also been sharpening the chain as needed.  I’m also more confident that the next time I need to replace the chain, I can do it without help.  The internet helps of course figuring these things out.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2021, 04:57:08 PM by Jed_ »

Offline msslave

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Reply #5696 on: August 10, 2021, 05:47:39 PM
Ah the joy of having a friendly contractor working next door. Construction continues on neighbors new garage. I let the contractor store a piece of equipment in our garage plus they're using our back yard to store materials as they are delivered.

That little bit ended up getting us a $100 gift card to a favorite restaurant. Yeah I posted that earlier, but with all the new members joining, ya know.

Today they're moving some excess dirt from the site. I have a few low spots in back I was never motivated to do anything about. So some of the excess dirt has now filled those spots in. That also cuts down on how much they have to haul away.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2021, 06:48:03 PM by msslave »

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Offline seeker83

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Reply #5697 on: August 10, 2021, 06:12:18 PM
This didn't happen today but last night.

I called a friend who I hadn't spoken with in years.  I thought I had pretty well burned a bridge with this person and it turned out, not so much!  It was a great call and great reconnecting!

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Reply #5698 on: August 10, 2021, 10:11:03 PM
The NHS  :emot_kiss:

Try me...

Offline Clitical Thinking

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Reply #5699 on: August 10, 2021, 10:24:37 PM