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What MADE your day today?

Well Behaved Lady · 336921

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Reply #3660 on: December 11, 2019, 03:17:38 PM
I kissed and hugged my daughter this morning and told her I know she's getting too old for it but I just wanted to get it in while I could.

She kissed and hugged me back and said she'll never not need hugs and kisses from me.  :'(

She'll be10 in just 10 days.  :facepalm:

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Reply #3661 on: December 11, 2019, 11:30:12 PM

Dan and I are volunteering all week at the assisted living home where Kevin lived.   When we left today, one of the elderly women there pulled us aside and said everybody is so happy that we've been spending our week with them.   I've been playing piano (the best I can), while Dan plays his guitar and sings.   Christmas songs. 
Today we decorated cookies.   We've been having so much fun.   

And, Dan made steak on the grill with grilled mushrooms.   It was so good.   Resting for a bit now.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)


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Reply #3662 on: December 12, 2019, 01:25:07 AM

Dan and I are volunteering all week at the assisted living home where Kevin lived.   When we left today, one of the elderly women there pulled us aside and said everybody is so happy that we've been spending our week with them.   I've been playing piano (the best I can), while Dan plays his guitar and sings.   Christmas songs. 
Today we decorated cookies.   We've been having so much fun.   

And, Dan made steak on the grill with grilled mushrooms.   It was so good.   Resting for a bit now.

*hugs*. That made my day.

I’ve finally started putting up Christmas.  House is decorated outside, and we will be tree shopping today or tomorrow.  All the ornament boxes are stacked in the living room.  The girls arrive next week, so it will be nice to have children in the house for the holidays.

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Reply #3663 on: December 12, 2019, 04:05:54 AM

Saw this on both front doors of a Mercedes GLE? (the SUV thingy) on the drive home:

Remember the Golden Rule: you do me, and I\'ll do you (paraphrased)


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Reply #3664 on: December 12, 2019, 04:13:57 AM

Saw this on both front doors of a Mercedes GLE? (the SUV thingy) on the drive home:

I haven't played a resident evil game since 4.  :roll:

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Reply #3665 on: December 13, 2019, 12:39:49 AM
Broke down and bought a new TV today. It's a 55 incher, 4K plus a bunch of other letters and numbers...all of which to me mean f**k all to me

What the heck. Great picture on the demo model on the shelf. Can't go wrong with that, right. :facepalm:

Anyway after a brief fight getting the damn thing outa the car and into the house, I'm all set to set the thing up.

Stay tuned to What Ruined Your Day. I'm sure I'll be posting there after it's set up... unless it kills me first. I am old, remember!

Well trained and been made my cat Neville

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Reply #3666 on: December 13, 2019, 12:51:06 AM
Broke down and bought a new TV today. It's a 55 incher, 4K plus a bunch of other letters and numbers...all of which to me mean f**k all to me

Well that's fun.   Enjoy.   That's a big one.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)


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Reply #3667 on: December 13, 2019, 03:22:08 AM
I paid $2500 for a 45” flat screen in 2008.  I paid $450 for a 55” this last time.  Today they have a sale on 65” 4K televisions for 279.99.  Cra cra.


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Reply #3668 on: December 13, 2019, 04:35:08 AM
I went to the pawn shop last week to see if they had any newish tablets for sale so I could get my little brother one for Xmas.

No, CJ doesn't buy all brand new stuff all the time.  :roll:

They had huge HDTVs on sale for like $80. So many of them they're trying to move out before everyone brings in their old ones when they get new ones on Xmas. I'm thinking about picking up a couple, give wifey #2 a bigger one for her room.

They had 1080P 19 inch ones for $25.  :roll: Sure they were a few years old, but at that price who gives a shit?

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Reply #3669 on: December 13, 2019, 04:12:37 PM

Dan and I are volunteering all week at the assisted living home where Kevin lived.   When we left today, one of the elderly women there pulled us aside and said everybody is so happy that we've been spending our week with them.   I've been playing piano (the best I can), while Dan plays his guitar and sings.   Christmas songs. 
Today we decorated cookies.   We've been having so much fun.   

And, Dan made steak on the grill with grilled mushrooms.   It was so good.   Resting for a bit now.

A big WOO for Dan and you. Assisted living and nursing homes are not the cheeriest places to visit but they sure do enjoy seeing people visit and especially entertain.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.


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Reply #3670 on: December 13, 2019, 07:26:17 PM
Sisters wifey had the day off so I took her shopping for some stuff.

Along the way we met two Brits. The three of them struck up a conversation while I got to make their baby giggle.

They talked about why they left the country because they, like Summer, have no faith the UK can be saved at this point. Still don't know if they're happy with the elections there or not, only that they feel safer here than there now.

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Reply #3671 on: December 13, 2019, 08:48:51 PM

They talked about why they left the country because they, like Summer, have no faith the UK can be saved at this point.

So frying pan into the fire. . . .


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Reply #3672 on: December 13, 2019, 11:35:13 PM

They talked about why they left the country because they, like Summer, have no faith the UK can be saved at this point.

So frying pan into the fire. . . .

Really.  If I was “fleeing” one or the other, it would not be my choice.


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Reply #3673 on: December 14, 2019, 12:03:22 AM
CJ doesn't keep up on what's going on in the UK, I just have a Brit in the family.  :emot_shrug:

And her family doesn't want to stay there either. Apparently they're not big fans of the open border policy among other things their government is doing.

I don't know. We have Summer, and that's all we want from jolly old England.


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Reply #3674 on: December 14, 2019, 10:15:44 PM
My hot black knocked up homegirl got her hair did. A beautiful blue color and curled.


I have never wanted to fuck her more than I do right now.  :facepalm: And I've always wanted to fuck her.  ;D

Offline msslave

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Reply #3675 on: December 15, 2019, 02:06:12 AM
So we've expanded our horizon.  Upgraded from a 42 inch TV to 55 inches. I know there's bigger, but then I'm used to lacking in size. :facepalm:

It was an adventure for an old guy in his 70s. Had to move a. bunch of crap out of the way, scoot two heavy cabinets over an inch so the larger screen would fit. Then there were wires to  hook up, in a cramped space that had me looking at everything upside down.

Finally all is hooked up and in it's proper place. Yes! The set turned on. The TV spoke to me and guided me through basic set up.

Now the fun part. We use TiVo as DVR and all cable and internet run through the unit. So to operate everything, I needed to pair the TiVo remote to the new TV. Finally found proper code, took care of adjusting other settings and we are in business! :D

Glad I'm old. With luck I'll die before I have to do this again.

Well trained and been made my cat Neville


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Reply #3676 on: December 15, 2019, 02:16:20 AM
Congrats.  Always a good feeling when you get things all hooked up.  I have a teen in the house, who helps with the home network and all devices.  Somewhere in the past few years, I have grown less adept at troubleshooting things.

Finished my son’s senior yearbook ad, which was nice.  Then drove out to the Hill Country and bought a few pounds of slow smoked Texas BBQ... brisket, ribs, sausage.  Family is fed and will probably watch some Christmas movies tonight.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2019, 02:36:01 AM by ToeinH2O »

Offline msslave

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Reply #3677 on: December 15, 2019, 03:01:14 AM
will probably watch some Christmas movies tonight.

"Die Hard"? Best one in my book. :emot_laughing:

Yes good feeling getting something to work. When younger, I wanted to know how to work everything on something new. Now I'm happy to just get some new fangled thing to do what I want it to. I let the " bells and whistles" sit there in

Well trained and been made my cat Neville


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Reply #3678 on: December 16, 2019, 02:02:30 AM
Wifey watching star wars all day. Left me alone.  :D


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Reply #3679 on: December 16, 2019, 07:22:36 PM
CJ is going to Canada in 2 days.  :D