Finally got the dust sensor / Air Quality Indicator (AQI) up, fleshed-out and mostly running as of an hour ago. It's happily logging my indoor conditions to a web server.
edit, nextt day: Although frustrating at times, weeding out the bugs in someone else's code is
occasionally fun.
I think I just found the last bug. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The only gotcha: fuckin' China! The dust sensor is exactly what I'd ordered, so I lucked out. The Bosch combination temperature / humidity / air pressure sensors I'd ordered weren't what was described. I ordered the more expensive version with humidity sensing, and got the cheaper modules WITHOUT the humidity sensing, so indoor humidity is showing 0% on the charts. I complained to eBay and got the charges reversed on the sale, and don't even have to send the boards back. Hell, return shipping would cost more than the damned things are worth in the first place. I have another order inbound from a
different vendor in China, and they swear that the modules have the specific Bosch sensor that I want. I'll know if this next batch of boards is OK in a couple of weeks.
Amusing side-note: it takes my 3M 'Advanced Allergen' Filtrete 1500 air filter > 60 minutes to remove the majority of smoke particles from the air after I've lit up a cigarette. I run the blower fan on the air handler all the time when I'm at home, and let it cycle when I'm gone. I can see dust/particle spikes from this evening every time I lit up a cig.
My house air got down to the equivalent of a class 10,000 cleanroom overnight until I got up and started moving around (throwing off dead skin cells, stirring up dust, and smoking...)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2019, 09:33:56 PM by RopeFiend »
Remember the Golden Rule: you do me, and I\'ll do you (paraphrased)