Primary doctor went ballistic when she finally read my last blood work. I'd seen it a week earlier, and
KNEW she was gonna have kittens over the cholesterol levels. She did.
You guys get your energy from sugars, or starches that quickly convert to sugars. That's fine. I'm on an utterly different high-fat, low-carb diet, and I run on fats instead. Both work: both are converted to ATP (the chemical you use for 'energy'). One of the side effects of my diet is elevated cholesterol and elevated BUN. Not a problem, as my diet is also anti-inflammatory and high in anti-oxidants. Cholesterol doesn't cause atherosclerosis, inflammation and oxidation do. Plaque is the body's response to inflammation or oxidants; it can't tell that you're not in distress, so it deposits cholesterol inside the veins Just In Case.
I just had a VERY high resolution scan of the heart weeks ago, arteries thereof, and the carotids. Zero plaque, even with total cholesterol of 284 and LDL of 215. I'm proof that cholesterol doesn't
cause plaque. I tweaking my diet a little to reduce those numbers, but I'm not overly concerned about them.