CJ's kids say the weirdest things.
The 6: Mommy, why do pumpkins rot and get all stinky?
Me: Because they just do, baby.
The 6: Are they good for anything except for Halloween?
Me: No.
The 6: Then why don't we just draw Jack O'Lanterns on paper and put a light behind them?
Me: Because then the pumpkins would go extinct because no one would grow them.
The 6: So, we're saving them by cutting them up and letting them rot away for one month out of the year?
Me: Yes, baby.
The 6: Then we should make every month of the year Halloween time so we can save the pumpkins.
Me: Then they'd go extinct because we'd be carving them up every month.
The 6: That doesn't make sense, mommy.
Me: Why?
The 6: Then how come McDonald's is still around because they kill so many cows?
Me: Because it's not real meat, baby.
The 6: Then what is it?
Me: Nobody knows. Go ask Suki, she might be able to explain it. She's a chef, she knows the difference between real and fake meat.
A minute goes by.
The 6: I forgot what we were talking about, mommy.