Right when I thought things were starting to slow down for me, it pics right back up. The shocking part was they were all good things.
Couple days ago, spent an entire day with my sister, and our new Mom. We went out for breakfast, and then spent the day just doing random impulsive things. Went shopping. Went and spent some time at the botanical gardens where they are just starting to prune some of the plants. Then went down to the wildlife sanctuary and fed some deer and geese. We ended the day having margaritas and tacos. It was great just to get to know more about her. Things we don't really get to talk about with the guys around. I would think my dad would do the same for her sons, but you men are weird, and probably won't see the point.
Sunday was an interesting day. I went to my dad's for the game, Allan did not go. What he did do was go to his parents house and told his mother we are engaged after she pressed him about marriage again. Then th phone calls and the texts came flying in saying I needed to head over to their place, I said I was with my family for the packer game. She demanded that I leave there and head "home" right away. She kept adding emojis so I know she was just having fun with it. They knew I was going to go with Allan to watch the bears lose!🤣
This did make me tell my dad and the whole famolf for that matter about the whole engagement thingy. It was a lot of discouraging comments about wanting to marry a bears fan, and i said if I can get past his marine arrogance, they can deal with the bears fan thing. Again it was all in good fun. There were some questions about when, and I said we are just happy with how things are. "Just consider us already married, we just having done the paperwork yet."
Then work was just busy. The temps were up, and people are doing all kinds of things, so the boarding was full. New puppy's to play with, and regulation customers as well.
Oh, and Shannon is doing fantastic. All those days of panic and worrt have been out behind her as she has her mom there A LOT! her mom lives farther away than I do, so it was nice that she decided to go down there and spend as much time as possible. I think they are planning a week there, and then a week back home. Just until Shannon stops having all these worries. She'll be a great mom, she just needs to believe it herself.
Anyways, I droned on enough.