My neighbors across the street were out working on their yard. They are a hut older, but they never slow down. Always out working the yard from spring to autumn. They were ones who were getting annoyed by the people a couple houses down, because they were doing No Mow May, and their yard looked like a friggin wheat field.
Anyways, I went over to bring them a huge bag of asparagus that I picked out by my dads, the stuff grows everywhere over there, and to see if I could lend a hand, of course they didn't need me too, but they said they would enjoy my company, and they absolutely love the asparagus. So I stuck around and just talked with them. About half hour into my visit, a car pulls up, and their 20ish year old grandson stepped out with a friend. I've had my fair share of inappropriate thought about him. To the unapproving stare of his grandmother, I even did a little flirting. However, on this day, I was on the receiving end.
We greeted each other, and he introduced me to his friend, who was staring a bit too hard. I gave him my best smile, and said it was very nice to meet him. He smiled and commented me on how nice it was for me to bring asparagus. Very neighborly. Asked if I played sports, told him not anymore, but I was a swimmer in highschool, and I excercise nearly daily. To which he said, "yeah, I can tell."
I brushed my hand against his shoulder, and left it there for a second before running it down his arm to his elbow. "Well aren't you sweet."
It was time for me to go, so I said my goodbyes to my neighbors. Said to their grandson it was really good to see him again, and then smiled and waved at his buddy and said it was a pleasure to meet him. I walked away without looking back.
But holy hell do I need some dirty sex right now!!