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What MADE your day today?

Well Behaved Lady · 334986

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Offline RopeFiend

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Reply #3420 on: October 01, 2019, 03:14:43 AM

Spent the day trying to figure out whether I can use a cheap barometric pressure sensor to detect (altitude) compression depth and speed for a low-cost CPR training monitor.  I googled it and got essentially zero hits for the basic concept, so I'm forging into unknown territory.  Later this evening I'll have the code fleshed out and see if the concept even basically works.

Actually, I'm using TWO of the cheap sensors: one for a static reference inside the body, one hot-glued to the chest of the manikin.  The reference is to account for pressure changes during compression cycles.  I'm running the parts right to the limit of detection to get 1cm accuracy, which is just barely enough.

It may be a complete bust, but it's fun trying.  If this version blows, the next up to bat is an accelerometer from a cellphone.

FWIW, a limit switch would probably be the cheapest for mass production, however it would be on/off.  That's it, it would tell you that you got Enough compression, but not if you went too far.  (Unrealistically, it wouldn't have a too far unless you hit it hard enough to break.)

Pneumatically, it would be more realistic, and expensive if you had a lung bladder inside, and that would also provide feedback through the mouth.  The flow rate, and pressure could be measured normally, with simple pneumatic gauges.  

I'm not sure what the sensitivity on the Barometer would be.  I don't have one with me for testing.  

Yeah, I'm actually trying to measure compression depth, as well as speed.  I've seen EMTs use something that looks like a cellphone between their hand and the chest during training, which I'm guessing is using an accelerometer.  I don't want the students fiddling around and wasting time dropping a cellphone; I want them focused on the job at hand, so I need it built inside the manikin and fairly reliable.

So far, the pressure sensor is a bust.  The best resolution I can get at 120 strokes per minute is ~2 inches, and I was hoping for a centimeter (half inch) accuracy.  I can get the accuracy in the right range, but not fast enough.  I have to average too many samples to get those extra two bits.  For something designed to measure meters, I didn't do too bad.

The math for real-time conversion of acceleration to distance is ugly << link.  I'm using a reasonably fast processor, so I should be able to crunch the numbers quickly enough.  I only have one accelerometer on hand, so I guess that's the next one to play with.  Dunno if it's as accurate as the ADXL330 they used in the article, as I don't have any decent data on it.

There's not a lot of room inside the manikin, what with that spring in the center of the chest.  I'd put something inside the spring tower, but it doesn't want to come apart.  It's a two-piece plastic assembly with a spring inside, and it's been fighting me.  If I break it, I buy another one.


Remember the Golden Rule: you do me, and I\'ll do you (paraphrased)


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Reply #3421 on: October 01, 2019, 03:24:46 AM
There's not a lot of room inside the manikin, what with that spring in the center of the chest.  I'd put something inside the spring tower, but it doesn't want to come apart.


That really helps.  (Robotics technician)  Since cost seems to be the highest priority, correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like Strain Gauges might be the most bang for your buck.  The butter zone between not enough pressure, and breaking ribs/sternum is broad enough that you shouldn't need micrometer accuracy.

My primary concern with the Atmospheric/Altitude barometer is Hysteresis.  Those aren't generally designed for Rapid changes in pressure.  So, depending on the specific design, they may not have time to register the changes accurately.  Again, I'd have to see the actual sensor, or at least the spec sheet to determine that.


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Reply #3422 on: October 01, 2019, 04:27:44 AM
Back on Topic:

Watching Post Apocalyptic LARP videos on Youtube.

It's been a slow day.


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Reply #3423 on: October 01, 2019, 05:47:06 AM
31 days till my 4th anniversary.

CJ has been married 4 years.  :emot_weird:

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Reply #3424 on: October 01, 2019, 02:42:07 PM
31 days till my 4th anniversary.

CJ has been married 4 years.  :emot_weird:

Congrats! Four fun years I hope.  8)

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.


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Reply #3425 on: October 01, 2019, 03:34:26 PM
31 days till my 4th anniversary.

CJ has been married 4 years.  :emot_weird:

Congrats! Four fun years I hope.  8)

Yeah, I guess it was worth marrying her.  :roll:

Sometimes I want to slap her silly. Sometimes I miss her for no reason.

CJ's advise on interracial marriage to a Japanese-American girl? Eh... As long as she's hot you can find a way to put up with her.   ;D

Offline RopeFiend

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Reply #3426 on: October 02, 2019, 05:26:13 AM
There's not a lot of room inside the manikin, what with that spring in the center of the chest.  I'd put something inside the spring tower, but it doesn't want to come apart.


That really helps.  (Robotics technician)  Since cost seems to be the highest priority, correct me if I'm wrong, it looks like Strain Gauges might be the most bang for your buck.  The butter zone between not enough pressure, and breaking ribs/sternum is broad enough that you shouldn't need micrometer accuracy.

My primary concern with the Atmospheric/Altitude barometer is Hysteresis.  Those aren't generally designed for Rapid changes in pressure.  So, depending on the specific design, they may not have time to register the changes accurately.  Again, I'd have to see the actual sensor, or at least the spec sheet to determine that.

Looking at alternatives for distance sensing, I may have found the winner: a Sharp GP2Y0A41SK0F IR distance sensor that's got a range between 4 and 30cm (about 1.5in to 12in).  The range I'm looking at is right in the middle of that, ~10 to 20cm where the sensor is most linear.  Whether the pink plastic will reflect IR well enough is a question.  Sharp doesn't even MENTION the word 'accuracy' in the datasheet except for some sloppy numbers in the 'Electro-Optical Characteristics', so I'll probably have to do a unique calibration curve for each sensor.  Measurement speed is 60Hz, so I'll get about 30 points per compression cycle, which is decent.

If the spring doesn't occlude the far end, the best spot would be mounted at the base of the spring tower.  Total cost will be under $20 each.  I'm looking at other CPR trainers right now to see who has the best feedback method to correct the students.  I'm liking how the Laerdal CPRmeter 2 works, but I haven't finished looking yet.

edit: OBTW, the 'lung' goes between the plastic body and the flip-up 'skin' in the first pic.  It exits the head about where a stoma would be.  That's a Prestan Ultra Lite manikin like what we have.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2019, 05:29:54 AM by RopeFiend »

Remember the Golden Rule: you do me, and I\'ll do you (paraphrased)


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Reply #3427 on: October 03, 2019, 04:49:26 AM
CJ had one fun size milky way and nearly died.

Wifey: You're someone who can perform incredible things with her mouth and you almost die choking on a tiny candy bar, white girl. I've seen you deep throat a huge "you know what" and not choke.


She doesn't like to say dick, or cock or anything like that. Must be a gay girl thing.  :roll:



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Reply #3428 on: October 03, 2019, 03:34:15 PM
Me: Mommy, what's it like being gay?

Mommy: Go ask your wife.

Me: I'm asking you.

Mommy: Well, I've been gay my whole life so I guess it's great. No complaints.

Me: Kimmy asked me if I'd be angry if she was gay like both her grandma's, and Suki and Summer.

Mommy: Well, you've never been happy with the gay women in this house bringing it up to you. I think she has a valid concern her mommy would react badly.

Me: That's not true. I'd be happy as long as all her girlfriends we're as hot as her.

Mommy: Well, all the gay women in this house are hot and we would be very happy to have Kimberly join our club.

Me: You can't have her.

Mommy:  :'(




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Reply #3429 on: October 03, 2019, 09:55:13 PM
Kicking some serious ass in court this morning.  Someone who has been trying to destroy me all year, and sometimes succeeded.  Judge ordered him to pay all the money he stole into the registry of the court.  It’s a huge sum.  So hopefully we can get serious about working out our differences.  It’s about time.


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Reply #3430 on: October 04, 2019, 10:13:39 PM
CJ can't wait to take both her wifeys to see Joker tonight!  ;D

Wifey: Why do you resist date night unless there's something you want to do?

Me: Because your idea of date night is taking me and Lauren to a fancy, expensive restaurant.

Wifey: And your idea of date night is taking us to see a comic book movie where some clown is probably going to shoot people in the head and laugh at them?

Me: Yes.



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Reply #3431 on: October 07, 2019, 04:38:13 AM
Today was the annual fire truck parade. Happens every first weekend of October. Everyone in the tribe gathered to watch. It's loud as FUCK!

The seven: Mommy that was LOUD!



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Reply #3432 on: October 07, 2019, 07:34:06 PM
Miss B posting so many sexy pictures, and I can only give one woo every 24 hours.

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Reply #3433 on: October 07, 2019, 07:37:44 PM

Miss B posting so many sexy pictures, and I can only give one woo every 24 hours.


And did you note that all of the pics were of the same woman?

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."

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Reply #3434 on: October 07, 2019, 07:55:16 PM
Miss B posting so many sexy pictures, and I can only give one woo every 24 hours.

Hmmm...Toe grooving on all the sexy pics of, oops, meant by MissB? Hands Toe a few towels.... ;D ;D

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.

Offline MintJulie

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Reply #3435 on: October 07, 2019, 09:17:01 PM
Came into work to do a few things and work a bit and pick up a few things.  Dan went to visit a friend and is pciking me up in 20 minutes.

I missed everybody here at work.  They are all so sweet and I surprised them and made them happy by my visit.  They made me happier by their reaction.  I cried.  Happy tears  

Dont know when Ill come back again.  

Trackpad is easier using with my left hand than using a darned mouse left handed.  impossible.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2019, 11:34:01 PM by MintJulie »

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)

Offline MintJulie

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Reply #3436 on: October 07, 2019, 11:35:04 PM
Came into work to do a few things and work a bit and pick up a few things.  Dan went to visit a friend and is pciking me up in 20 minutes.

I missed everybody here at work.  They are all so sweet and I surprised them and made them happy by my visit.  They made me happier by their reaction.  I cried.  Happy tears  

Dont know when Ill come back again.  

Trackpad is easier using with my left hand than using a darned mouse left handed.  impossible.

And I cried again harder when I left.   I have been working there for only 6 years but there are a few that mean so much to me.

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)


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Reply #3437 on: October 08, 2019, 02:04:22 AM
Came into work to do a few things and work a bit and pick up a few things.  Dan went to visit a friend and is pciking me up in 20 minutes.

I missed everybody here at work.  They are all so sweet and I surprised them and made them happy by my visit.  They made me happier by their reaction.  I cried.  Happy tears  

Dont know when Ill come back again.  

Trackpad is easier using with my left hand than using a darned mouse left handed.  impossible.

And I cried again harder when I left.   I have been working there for only 6 years but there are a few that mean so much to me.



Offline e_monster

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Reply #3438 on: October 08, 2019, 04:03:16 PM
Off topic, I know:

Can any mod help me with a password reset? I remain logged in on my iPad but can’t log in on PC.

ID card? I don't need no stinkin' ID card. I already know who I am.


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Reply #3439 on: October 08, 2019, 04:08:17 PM
Off topic, I know:

Can any mod help me with a password reset? I remain logged in on my iPad but can’t log in on PC.

Post in the sub forum linked below.  I’ll also hit “report to moderator” for you.  That usually gets eyeballs on it quickly.