Mark's daughter arrived home from college late last night, she wasn't supposed to come until late this evening. This makes me so happy. I had planned on spending it with my daddy's girlfriend, but now it's a threesome. Shopping, lunch at a new place that I've been wanting to visit, more shopping, then coming back to the house for some meal prep for tomorrow. Everybody is sleeping over tonight (and tomorrow night). Breakfast, games, a poker tournament, karaoke, a movie (or more like a nap), then around 4 we'll start gearing up and setting up the food.
I have 3 football squares I'm in. Best opening quarter I have is NE 3, Rams 0. I also have NE 3, Rams 6. That's the expensive game at $50 per square (1000 payout each quarter). So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that.