So a thing I was dreading happened today. This whole getting engaged thing with a Latina is going to involve a priest, which we met with today. I was certain this was going to be a very awkward conversation.
On the way there the gf tells me she canceled the first meeting the previous week telling him I had to work out of town. So if he asks, I’m to say that. I look at my Catholic fiancé and ask, ‘So you want my conversation with the priest who’s going to marry us to begin with me lying to him?’ She says yes and that she prayed for forgiveness already for that. How’s that ‘lying to a priest and telling your fiancé to do the same’ prayer go?
So we’re sitting there and he asks how we met, and she says she was out with friends in a restaurant drinking and eating and we met, talked and eventually exchanged numbers. That’s a total lie, we met on a dating site. Well, we did meet in person for the first time in a restaurant, but she had no friends with her.
So then we had to talk to the priest alone she going first. When it was my turn it went far better than I expected. In fact I gave him truthful answers to all of his questions. The subject of the canceled meeting never came up.
So why did it make my day? The meeting went far easier than I thought it would, and while I told the complete truth, my Catholic gf lied her ass off to a priest, something I’ll get to remind her of for the rest of our lives.