About half an hour ago, I started reading this thread from the very beginning. Within a few pages I had watery eyes and a few pages later I was crying. A found earring, their Friday night high school football games, money raised for her memorial, describing her laugh as the most beautiful sound in the world, which it was. Then this...
......found a DVD of the first drive-in movie M and I ever went to together...Forrest Gump. My evening is planned.
He loved that movie so much, and he thought Karen did also. She hated it, but never told him. She only would watch it because it brought him so much joy and he would always refer to it as 'our movie' because it was their first drive-in together. She only enjoyed that night, because it was with him, not the movie. In our conversations she'd mention, "We watched that stupid movie again." I would tell her, "Just tell him you hate it." She'd laugh, as she did so often, "I can't Jules, it brings him too much happiness watching it with me. It just makes him so happy."
And now I'm bawling like a baby.
And then, after she passed, he called me a couple of times. "I'm going to watch Forrest Gump tonight, want to join me." Of course I couldn't turn him down.
What made my day? Reading this thread and thinking of happy times.