Good brakes and tires on a rain-slick street at 45MPH.
I was driving home an hour ago after a light rain. Hadn't rained in a few weeks, so the streets are amazingly slick. Blowing down a 2-lane road, I see a car at an angled cut through the *wide* center median. Sitting. I'm still oncoming. Still sitting. Still sitting. I get RIGHT THE FUCK on top of 'em, and she pulls out. If I'd skidded even a little, I'd have rammed her; it was that close of a near-miss.
As I begin to breathe again, I notice the handicap plates and a damned little CHILD in the passenger seat. Yeah, I can see why you're handicapped, but your friends shouldn't let you drive, as lousy at it as you are. You have REALLY shitty friends, if they haven't told you that YOU SUCK behind the wheel.