Official Time Out while the judges rule whether or not the picture properly represents 2760.
If definitely represents 52760 and 760. But 2760?
to Vinney
The precedent has been set before Jules... but I ain't gonna plough back through 2,760 posts to prove it... Hell Jules... if you delete the post then I'll publish the one of you and me naked on the beach...
vinney luvs ya...
Okay, okay........just no naked pictures of you and me on the beach. We don't want Liz getting all upset with me trying to steal her men now, do we.
Actually Vinney's Missus once told me to take him off her hands....
She needed the space in the bedroom, and with him gone, she would have more.....
However, that being said.......I politely declined and pointed out I didn't need an "Old Goat" hanging around eating everything in sight. Both sadly and very happily I sent him back to his Missus...........(funny thing, she won't talk to me anymore.....wonder why.??).
All My Love To Both Of You,
PS: Vinney......revenge is sweet....!!!!
Love Ya....