Johnny, I have a FREAKING ENORMOUS list of blocked IP addresses, typically server farms that have repeatedly tried to hack the forum. That list is years old, and blocks of IP addresses are sold or moved to other purposes all the time.
While on your phone, put in and
send me a PM with the address that it returns. I'll look up the (new) address range and unblock it. Again, ON YOUR PHONE, and SEND ME A PM later when you're at home. I need the address of the rotary but I don't want your location broadcast in an open reply.
One of the server farms I'd blocked undoubtedly sold a bunch of their IP addresses to a cellphone gateway. It's easy enough to unblock if I know the address range of the rotary.
I'll send ya a PM in case you miss this message. I'm posting out here in case other folks have a problem. Yep, there's a way to fix it.