About 5 or 6 years ago my apartment was broken into. Fortunately, they didn't get much of value -- mainly because I don't own much of value. They took a DVD player and all-in-one stereo system, a bunch of CDs (wtf?), and some worthless costume jewelery.
Like Grm, I'm someone who can compartmentalize and move on -- but I couldn't in this instance. It was a sense of personal violation that really threw me for a loop. The monetary loss was negligible, but the fact that some stranger was in my home and going through my things really scared me.
Fortunately, a friend came over and when the police left, I went to her apartment and stayed for several days. A few days later, a Saturday, she went back with me to the apartment, and we cleaned the entire place from top to bottom and I washed just about every item of clothing I owned. That, plus the fact that she spent that and the following night there with me, helped me readjust and make it my home again.
That fact that you're talking about this is wonderful, Lippy. Rely on friends and family for the time being, and go back when you're read to go back.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 12:12:54 AM by MissBarbara »
"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."