I don’t know the details around either pic. While I do not work for Eli Lilly, I do work in big pharma. And while I liked Bernie somewhat, his demonizing of big pharma is why he’ll never get my vote. The company I work for (which I will not name for obvious reasons) is actually struggling to be profitable. While price gouging of drugs does occur from disreputable companies, I can say that’s not the norm.
I’ve figured out the GOP tax ‘relief’ bill will most likely actually raised my taxes. Now I’m fine if my taxes go up and a person like Alec gets his insulin and my sister’s family living on the edge of poverty gets healthcare, but it seems my increase in taxes will go into the pockets of the wealthy like Trump.
The GOP keep perpetuating this fiction that somehow tax relief for the wealthy benefits everyone, despite it being proven false over and over again. It’s their ideology, and they’re sticking to it no matter how fucked up it is.