Reply #1276 on: July 03, 2019, 11:19:22 PM
#UnwantedIvanka edits first daughter into historic events, photos after G-20 conversationsPresident Donald Trump's daughter and White House adviser Ivanka Trump faced sharp criticism from some for her role at the G-20 summit last week in Osaka, Japan.
Ivanka Trump was seen photographed alongside many world leaders throughout the summit despite her not being an elected official nor a member of the president's Cabinet.
In one short video, shared on the official Instagram account of the French presidential palace, Trump is seen participating in a conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Theresa May, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde.
Many Democrats and liberal commentators bashed Trump for, what they say, was interjecting in the conversation and the summit at large despite a lack of qualification.
And on Twitter, the hashtag "#UnwantedIvanka" started trending, with many sharing edited photos of Trump inserted into famous and historic events and images.
Trump also joined her father at his historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in the Demilitarized Zone after the president stepped into North Korea.
When asked by reporters about her trip, Trump responded, "surreal."
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